The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)

i tr IV PRIVATE CORRESPOXDRNCFI tiiascr or tmsa siocim. rsaavaaT. wal journal art tilled' ith tot IItCOUDta or spir troubles and commotions in the united kingd of Sweden nrj Norway but sucb in- trllitenceistqwNyk1 that rrpresentt tbe countries pea aU and fluthbcgaad tod the people rich trot. The disastrous situation of Norway is un- rtu1tibt ttttain. 1 me urt which the Govern- itol baa bern Uit tJ as remedies ugainst famine til a1nxttotal fc0111 lr 1 B100 jlurt of tLe plLfl establishing a national bank and tj Wl lu tilt tUlle of oe.cbinge&ca are ferts but to torkxs.

the Government and particularly the Vrince Roval of Sweden BrnJtte dora try thing in his powti alkwaU tbe distress of Norway in order to secur Ibe attaChmeut of the inbzthants and thus to consolidate the union with Sweden of a country the inhabitants of lucb reb' xwr bly known fur tbeirfidebty to their ancient masters. Nothing secures die love of a people to mocbas the uctihg benefitland relief from their Goin difficult tine Special committee hate in all tke towns in any degree ronwdrrable the purpose of assisting tmLe in want. Public opt- nkHi i tuxlgly expressed in Norway against the manner jn whic the existing constitution is executed. Tn rntm. hers of the Sttrthing national representation are accused of inexperience irresolution and want of true patriotism the cniT1t expense which that assembly occasions tnlfae treasury is alto a subject of complaint.

Fron every uJe a reduction of tbe army of tbe li i is called for it now metiss of 2000 nun wt only 2000 perform the service of the garrisons. Economy in tbe civil administration a pro- iito of the imptrution of article of foreign luxury and other measures of sing ax. also loudly demanded Ly pubLe opinion. On trading the pamphlets and newspa pm puUisbrd in Norway it is impossible not to be struck with these facts. All are agreed that standing armies out of all proportion to the real strength of a State serve oty to absorb the public revenue to contribute eminently to the establishment and maintenance of arbitrary power and the decline and downfall of Sutes.

1 he population of Nor ay is 900000 or 000 families. Nearly one- tbrd of the families it absolutely unable to pay ther taxes. Thus 60000 families the greater part of whom are not rid' will according to the budget be oUiged to pay each 331 crowns in specie or 663 crowns banco per annum. sum total of thi imposts amounts to 39820000 crowns. It is justly ob served that this almost exceeds tie total amount of the money in circulation.

Some rich individuals are also pointed out having zemoctd their capitals to foreign ctuaies and particularly to England. These person tce un that account become objects of public oditm. The foreign relations of Sweden remain unchanged. lb Prince Royal regards the Emperor of Russia as hi ruos devoted friend but can be in all exenls rely on his frirtidihip England is peibaps our mot natural and most disintrested ally. We are sulky with France or rather France with us.

Legitimacy is the tau" of this displeasure for the Bourbons still hope to see the family of Gustavus restored to the throue. The negotiations with Holland and the Italian States to induce them to lower the duties on our iron continue a have hitherto bad no result. I bough Prince Oscar will not be eighteen till July next negotiations have been commenced fur his marriage with a Prussian Princess Ale. but it appears that thes tepitiatiuns as yet had no success. The negotiation hh Denmark respecting the public de.

of Norway and other points go on very slowly Denmark that kingdom so flourishing under the bril hint administration of Bernstorf and which exhibited the singular spectacle of the greatest practical liberty un. dtr a power declared absolute by law is recovering verj slowly from the state of weakness into which she was plungtdby wars reluctantly undertaken under the contra of offluonaparte but maintained with fidelity. Peace bow. ever the reduction of the art and the contribution or indemnity for the French troops which were stationed raxirr Buonaparte in Holstein tend to ameliorate he finances. Denmark appears to attach herself to ting land in preference to Russia.

LAW RLPOJtT. COURT or CHANCERY. tUApPLS avnriiniit YCADU DA VIM. AXDOTHSB Tutcaiite note tin Monday evening tot lurthrr argument ttwr lU Mastrr 4 il Roll The ml ject of conlrovrr in It i tlw pro- ry ot Uw Prank Pm. morning paper and tl GUtt er ain rp It tftnrr4 tUl lU tM-r were estatjliIie in July.

14 3l itant. by the iuttf uml ilrtrudintiand wvcrut oUirr tt principal Luudon. Riulut4I rrc rntrrrd tain lMTrtlliunt UK riit nt of UK lam ot the prt ud their wire iuuHtitle tonagtmen 11 drlt lo cwmiItre Le hii tLrvi re 10 tufljciriil lo ct. IWM van thrir uU liiurnl. Ole papers err I nr rotmtti SPidIlJI iraprotrdi Mid in j.

tin' U4 pro. ilth jt Illi. time ugCMii Wrte de rrprcliiig icy tfMtnf die ptiptrty and two or the pro- rrr dtplrd itk tti tirw. to in liel 1 C- Utct upon to thc tietl quarter catkin- Thw 01 thC prr riil defend. lr.

ila nin vile pn-pertj tlwuM Le ad by uctioc up' oliicli qut- lk the tambrr vole re olrrd. Il urn at lfH ly a nuj-irrty that II coainillre 101 tl vII it by physic cuiract tue um I. undrr tOU ijUt be urdi it U' lli i 4HMr. Laiic. and uthen uf the prupfM-ivn.

fur tlirpliiiiifli hid More rotnl ufttatl t4 lieu dnvt trmi it. ll cy ubuequciiuy eeraiu tuit. liKl UH7c iiiirn Jrdllliat lit majority of ll taitd ipi bind the. t4 lU hiV rir I Ukuul lraQd klwcluu the dtfndult ilh lving prucurr1 IIIIICWrrnc of the uujurity in IIIe rrtxlutina tor the tale. 1111 ttijs.5 to lrprcci le llIe prwprii7.

in hwy nijhl brcwne lli vunhn at a low prkr. ll rrt III the uit ilH rlurr i to lae an rC' inl taket 4 Kki ll pi tiitce the ale. lid that the tktoowt. KM cinLrrd to lute purtliattd tue thain Uwie lio Id fcr tlw ju I lwir6t of ll. nrrri and tb ptaiitffi On II 1 III ll drlnidaiiu tl- urtlioo of liavinf drpntiatrd the vat lciiid ixj II suibmitird that 1 1 alr wai valid iutl 4)I or anklr.

paruwrol. hid ue dreiion of 1 1 naj Kily should be WnHinj prupficturi. It wrt urjrd. II. Inc protndi CnnducUa in a rry Uti uwwr on U.

rl of It. tfc 100 Lid nUijcd the rwIrndast tn girt in llir an- nli iiawpfd coUt tl ri' trount aiuvird. intlrad 'C Ui ICU4It iy rrttrrd to in their ainmrn and kit a i ONn of iiu ctiaii 11. KCVWIU urinjnlrrnK-l ugiher ilh the mwrp the and 111' Cil Lf rn wrrr ard pljintiif end Sir ci Jtouutv Mr BI n. and A lur tI.

1rl w1airi tond Ilierautc Undi vvef toe 11 ml UIdi net I term. JXQI-IST. On Wrdm-rtliv a Cronrs at Yorkshire Sting. rWond on the iy of Jinrs er. lull-keeper on pike-gate near that plate need 36.

ai1 Mdry JU LlMmt Crow. Manlrbunr drpo odaTevriHiic. ii. Slit. Swat.

hwit psss MI k. rkPpnMrkin Uw tarnpike-calr MMI I heard ikrr wd i i t4Hwn ld batwn my Lh wurdi. 1. be 141 ri Jt mraiMliU maiini tfl II. but ahrnny ZrT la a Islpeswty rtur ire tarn chant tor II di riuurdaod rlrcvaMil very IIWnttl1C ftttmrr toWn Wrblry man in tie cast lie wked Z' rd balk fc called Ilia lee said.

a TPt i of It. nprrnion Wbky KIT Ii. I VeUfld a drnded fitt. wider it rnblrar bkhfcJJ to prrtenf Mid WI a Til cwl JnM" hqeiied a 2 ttol tfc an WftH1 7 naa is Wrbtrj a at txlxevarr at- SECOND LAY SERXOlf. Tht name of the above gentleman has hew tag in scribed in the aunah of oliteTaturt of whicb indeed there is scarcely any kind in which be has not WrDt an honour able share.

We know not whether it is his misfortune i iis praise to lieu popular than profound ht that cir. nunsUiicc while it demands the highest intellectual pow. en in bis readers of course circ*mscribes their numbers some time since he published a woik entitled a I ay Sermon and this has been recently followed by a Second Lay Sermon in the same style and rnaincr as the first it contains a great mass not of what we should call learning simply for that implies only the laborious attainment uf other Into's discoveries but of knowledge. whLh is Ue acquisition of mm's own thought and contemplation culling alike fruui the stores of science and scrutinizing the volume of nature. We can d.

little wore than make the work known but while we do that. we shall also make such selections as may give publicity to the author opinions upon those topics which are most in- timtinand closest to our hearts at the present Jay. Our own opinions respecting the existing crisis are that while eminent should do every thing possible for the relief tl country now really und secrely suffering tbej ib uM likewise ullpreu. with a strong hand but by con. titutional mehods till tendency to riot and commotion which ran only increase the evil at present and delay the remedial process.

The following is the authors description ol those dema gvn whom we have so often unured to wrrCt or expose Such lie Prophet li i dricribed luch ti. 1 or nwn nJ. la point if litloric tact it un been Irma tarn Ihn ort. I. pro.

ttm is I' itl tAt d. Jrrtmiah sill. Ii to LanDOft with llie rral cturacvr of llif she prph Ire the particular qttJitiei snjnd to Firji. a pstn for ue an tioiml intrclire. an ilutl and mretrrcte preditcciion ml the Unjiure hale and race.

and contumely an VhCUtmed pe prlile lw blllC ud df hamafion tie irUA talk i tilLsiy. The agent liiicwlfihe ncrndiry wad lu Lindlin combu lible kid brrn Jrrady sketched by Snlun i. with tie rapid yet ilbf. Ht of a matter in the art TV tfAt wrjufltu mma it foatukmittanX fat rnJ t0c iurAi iwi maJiun' Ccce le a. U.

If. in the srit prnphtiy y. the i ruler had beet preieul Uuur 011 times cud tlirirpruccdurct It ed ta lite wlity ffiuim he had actually herd UK very hnneus 01 reifnina teiB4COim to UieeflbenedpopuLcr rwId belatr more faithfully characterized either the tprakrn or the prelwsl 1 Whether in spoken or in printed sddreusi. wbetatr In ramab or in yet cheaper implement of ouiertiaton. the end are saw.

llw procvu toe tawe and the awe Is tbdr jenrh line conduct. OU Onbll but no 4 of til and ili a mite Mlicnity ohenefcrnny public ditrnt inclinra the lower ctuxt lo twbvfruct and mid them more pl to he nltrd from the Go- ernnwiitoftbeircoiuilryiii sit places and at nfJ opportuniti pleadinn the pour and ignorant no wl ere and III PO lime are liter Iutbd actually or item. Not Uthit tl worvt IVy ei plc lICa them. Yes Sycophant to the trucJ lIIir uf I ittfuitfiiafa and wishers uily to Ue continuance theirflii- erie they plead giiid the pour and afflicted under th. eA and wicked e.

that err to notions of what we coil becaiw cannot do tt that oould UK. Or It lliit topbiitry or sloth pAuaM ri iboukl Lii to dwelt the bounty I U. rich llwte it U1 the sophistry of stander in ie er to chill the gratitude of It. tk If they cvuint Wllllade UxTtlJr drVnf lil Uip. thty will at frail blacken the Petite t4 bit bnie Tiice.

1 they cannot Ui Land of Ibe 8itcr Uey ill at leatt embiuer the ill in the mouth of the Uh I it nut a they had said wlthn their Luru. the sacrifice oh charity Las horn ofTered iudeo In piu of a kitur ktrh titli is 6t talcn' Liod. iH. B. lniaUied wrocifi thai make It distasteful.

We mill inliot in- dktive and ditcontruled fancies into mind already irriuUe and u5pkiout from distress till the heTer of the bran shall rat ii. t1toe with al and spread woruioood 11 To these extracts we tan only add a few more descrip tin the author thinks of a peculiar sect among us. Without entering into thtoloica1 disputes. except so fat as the tenets about which tLe are conversant affect jjublic morals. Wt' think we do justice to both parties in giving what publicity we are able to Mr.

Collridg statements its those wlioni they affect will Le thereby more potently urged to defend thenisehes. III the present day we hear touch and from men vasiou creeds of the pt. tu awl timplkily or the lhrjjan religion and tzan abuse hut teen made or lh te wvrs often lndrtd with no UI iutcnliun. but still oftier ty turn who would laui transloon lh iwcrsMly of lininc is Clirist into a rreounitiiltiui to belie hiji. Tlie UQIIIO ll Uiler sclwrnegrrw out ol a ttxl Uul wet ctiled So liaving tccceeJed In dithelietiiig tar bry lie last foot I Swciuihave chosen todesirnatc Uiemtrltr by the name of Vmttlini a nut ryrit to is trftntv creed ii.

tlwid tt Tailli mm lie added and let it not Le loiIIrn that though ncllim ca Le eatior ui to understand a code of belief four oh hkh consist in avtmaliof disbelief and the rrgsiLdrr in truth cuticnan wlkIa in llii country at leatl a man mu hi i fai It kmrw la hare any doubt it i by on meant easy to rrcoi iie this code of swgatlre with II declaration. oh the Christie Sript re. On the CMitraiy. it require all the re I of yrhat ritkiMat and the ptrrerte subtlety poci.1 rlndill to out a ljuwbl rohLiucr oh rorrrtrondmc tnwu them. mutt howetrr It cuiicrdrd that a man nay continently spare hi.

If lilt trouble of the attempt and leave the New lelaiaeiit ui rezd. Itr he hat once IburouU rtu drd hiniicl tjet it tea oth hint imliiint oh 1:10) real inpurl1t that iet not Irnd know. PI indeed. otrllilt for thouti lie kin umlieiu thiat in the rrluii i t. Christ there it iwilk hue bibs yet I.

inform the tim. that there it neat tor ttroii ten and to the like rurpooa one of the fjtln rt tut ubsersed tlu iu the New Tetiametit tlvre tie thallow whirr. ttadentb nil lv rc anddrptLs where the tlrpliaut twin. All truth indeed it tiatpe and vd no urini ornsnicrt. And the 1 profound the truth is.

the ure tiiu1k lor thii wli. le bout and buildin ipol kn wlr lF i I tc continued prucrst irjilifii tHMU lul cami- oxupn bend in what ontiiary wiae oh 110. wor it llw pr M-iUv nlfJtitHtu 11 im i ify can be if I. OH- PVfL or IK wrilnujt M. John.

or to in pilk I la1 or lit nil have rar rUuvl ly nuprttrU lie cjpcity i Uii UyiMMl lit tainr clatt xr ii ntoiIg tile piiniillt Chri. lian who. at we arelbldhy a tehiow tle sit II. ritinetlatl nlrlllin niotsy pJt herd to or undrnl' shich llw tart1 II. wtil at Hit qi liUe were ill Uonjer ol n-iliii and mitntr jtrcx r.

liTi 1 1 1 ot i HIIIASDS. Hm ir apritalein tt 4il lrranirriiHieHl oh Gu rdi. but wbop trItrduaJ waiditcharrid ouWrdnciday tiai 11111 helurr tlitmi niaiiraielii ri i Cot H' Kv by me llwii Mtrcirrlt riIIIr by roe Ctrese No. Kit rnaiico rnoin to a tnitlf man. with rJiliiig Ma rf at IIMIS waitlcoalt pitatku anti oilier art Jet 1 1 wearing rotecufr tlitfl that.

fill Veilneui4 III'S. tIntkoi hi ton. Irura fclininin on hi matter. ho lint at Chitwick I. lound the dour it bit 1 prn.

and a candle burning oia the table in II. paLr ruidin tint bit iff I. left there in the muniiiv watn in II. he br ii to about the dittrrial ruonit am won 04104 i In all his toiLet wrre SOIIT. ntHtpectrd lh lii wit badlakrn Ihrmhirtb HirvMe id ulfwith the priuer with wlmic she had vkd iiUiui ew en tears very anon Ucr wit- Ld tailed 1101' the 1 Indies.

llr li to to brulle lire at o. to at i hue in ruserp irfbit property. UrDmin ear the last witiwta btuli. ulr MI being op. piii-dtd ty iiiiliww.

above Ulrd. lit' went yesterdiy I irtrcu oh jJi oCMT and er soon alter sic urlixk taw him come WM lb. line pwLhchwiuw in Vitn iu-irtet. WtItiti- lrr. wilts it.

ndlr wodoced in I it land when knowing the baiidkrnbief rclie1 the ariirw to bit brothers I. ttoppH tlw priwnr' utid ease Ii in urge to ruanhle. 11. ho i sit. tSs1ilunJ i asked by the Uai lral how lie rame the bundwantwered that Ie wis dtshosss lo tell III hole truth lie then taid with much iwrlieil oh manner.

that about ten years aj I laud marrkd a worthy woman whom It tch admired wb Ix leanwd Poun urir soother hutbaw lilllc sbruad. lluwerer. I. beui lji rnl of the latl whet tile deed wa done continued to lire city uippily witU her fur years. but in the cooune of tile niIolb.

ruijied him. Sr bad III him beautiful had ttendrdhsi to llwOmtiiwnl end whnitliey rtururd I. hat a lian lrtt pvvnd In money MKt a old watch an he bad a silver watch and many vtbrr neat articles but she bat de away with an in a few monUiikndtbey separated. About wonUniiie-proM ctvrcaiact lncauttI alter At. wll it orituur whololdhim belud Ilbred ilhl rlorae4rand a hall but 4 led hwi wlwre she was i ervlce lb he wit alraid she wowd like.

uudfot hadruiueU limo. Jlr. however look protcCIIlot to her. Yesterday the cc. to lw II there was no a dNWlinlorlhenrnialilietur 11111 tes pot complained of ill.

sare. She UM I4at had left a tllllile. at Ihelin apple and dewrrd hUa la Mag It to herbal particular pUcr wkkk Ire. wa oin lo do. and prosecute hi with ion il be pleased pro I iii.

if he I ct hi property lie did out want to ItiIrt either hi rib or they act off loaib hi ail on tlw. they euoajH of Uer and SMmbt w- inr THEATRE. A Umnc ol PnTrixarwM yeaterday canv aed Is the UiUTbralrr the ttk the rsprdhcyflrt an al lhterawMtiu a4tUprxrKla a vB far crruiaswamber At abwtuwcUkLoHEMrtwatcaCrdiaUMckaVaodbav Inc Mated at the cir Mr. al ti pn ww a urine pf rrtulutiwn. and ratted ike Unfiuaot the rvtug I the premrt diUpidjtrd tUteftheah jin of tlw llwjtre.

It wa rrnlt rtWiediM all prnrnt lot what that law Mr. ad hid at. a Sew yrs rackwhnt jre an sppeareaKv mud. MV than wy did present. Au arfv Ur offer hay a rntleman Pt which a gain Ah wl 6 7 pr cent.

lhl Lu. been obtained was llwa rrjrttH and II. plan of a in a maniinc il. wa trrnt by which it wSl then Iwprd to reap II It. per cent profit.

Owae spec hwer proved and II ed hOfIl IIrU rspraticaoI therryrars. rrcuw mended Ibe tettu of tlw lU-atre. lie Mr. R. ad Umtrlf pre- ieI.

that under the nunijrmrnl oh II ciMr II. eftre a. Use theatre wMildfolo run and be would read to the nwrttng an ilracl tie dmadeo twf the report. a hick would prove the toe- rectum of bit pn41C1Mn. In I Inl year the totil pro ltaritw nut 1 the ton were 79 i5 the Ka id they 63JSil 30.

the third year AI. 8 5d the same year in which Mr. WUii- ra4 rrcomraemled UI theitrc thoiid be let ant in ourth yrar thI profit were only t9J8Q 17 rkh a S4al d. if pr lI in r-KH aritun wills thee firvt yes tJn tit 17 1 he a vrartrrmpliit wuuld be eowrre dkeitt iull ut I Wll id ii comiMTituu with lb urecntiuc year. An lion enlkman Mr.

P. lu re had sUI d. too years iso that it concern a lu at healthy a UI a any hi. laid tern in Lit life. Whit portion or trLI there had been iulhitatvrtiou the A ciaby waaaUilojudfeat well as kiaitelf.

He WM much torpritrfl how tin healthy patient to sot snorlauutet ill into turh a c. llipir cxr impiirnk With respect to II. 1 I the present year. crvunM tied brn drlivrrrd but it hr nn all Mil ii thiry were 4r rlon4. Hr tfmpllneof that the tvnIaUtlc" ppoiuttd lur muiMriurnt 1 tb concern the tb alre toni not rectlar aiih wb it mitinavr hrmbuped tiiutwhs-rr roperty to the amount oh between id VnAVt wa at slake Irm would not loan been vihty tills iron drrrllctinn 4 tlwir uties.

1 I. quarrel which bad Ulely to unlunun.mts-ly occurred ha. wem II. Uwalrr a ttrikinr prwif oh the Iad uiaeisrmenh lli committee. 11.

tifnn-ntil Mr. SLeridan upon this uojrct was. Dial vJeli cordially ulsittl the too rival allairi of 0 would equally uarr He Id been accused of oVlrrinratitif tl properly I. the aUinlily of Ii charge would Its tidral when it km wn that he Id vittotiwiatehy a share ut I.em and 4 OUUl. in tlie prn Alter isprening Ii opinion hat the prrttlil uovUufuctary ate of adair f.

in a greet meat- ure Vet of the a rinlhAeIIlef ut that commillrelhroutn urn. petency. U. atMrtinc that lie laid liilie tmiht that the shares which tow were only rti in the market 11. or ttX.

would. II" the theatre were let Fetch Sit. or WI. moved a tlrin or rrtol lions pro. pthinc to let II theatre but.

a they mere utteqII wW. it i iinrce tary to ute theni. aoxMOkork. alter nawq4imentin 1. lub-committec for Iwir niucl in II.

ra ruceiont ol ihr theatre moved an amend. uwut that. uppli aU i be made in Parliament to irll the pn nrrty. Ky tut natnod ot prncedilg the Pi would he alit to obty 3 in Its. un of their rnomWy.

Mrco*ckSaoppiitrd thramrndnwut. Vtat ground was thin tupt cte that any mtn would buy thi proper at II. rate of lie pound when eyes now sierra might LIeobtainrdt 4' lu tie ound. I lie nol1I1 ii nitlidrao MrliKTdid not with that ibe committee should be judged an heard. lie maintained that the manaremenl or the theatre wa well conducted in llif hr hand.

and rstrwmdsnary eirrtHHiibad wen made to urn thit tiethig en. hieh had arisen ul of lli 101 DwLiUlhratrr. It appeared to him a malUroftur- prite that lit such times iii rii trru. of rival theatres as ableloeiitt. it any gentleman could tlalr any sousid i ot4ectioc thi eniumhtz.

e. said it wat Jiscusered lhal they were dome wrong tliould hi' llw fir pr" lo pru-ios. the. OIMMI JI. It run- rndrd.

llul the anonyuMut which haul in the public irinl lied dour hut to II. roncrm than could tie iroa Uv permit iucquu lrd with the kfftirt oh the theetrv the period li hail wrillen them whoever he might be tike an atMttiH. bad stated tat at nuligiitiit at lby were unfounded and dared Ito prove them lore the public. lie romplaiiwd thati the meeting had hi properly nilId toetIrr the rrquiili purported to not tain the tigiuturr oh several niUiusi but the name were writtrn in our bend. Mr.

HOII I said that he had the authority t11Iow rentlrrten to tin St. He in hut hand a lit 01" men holding shares lo he VIII of otJrt1 whutnUhrd the theatre to be let. s. wtrr dl their own tigiuluit With respect to the nuuUee ie wished the roe tinr to unrlrrtlairfi that although he had a motl rwral opinion or their intentions jf I that they fre nol compe- nil to massage the llxitrt Lord Etu ob erved lhat the ubconulli1ft were wiIn lore- ire ii ri could he us competent at to coo duct the attain oh the threitrr. Mr.

HOLLAND was mot unwilling that Uw private uTi of the theatre thuuld loe unnruarihy espused. 11. mover of tlw 11. hosts hid statid the derIcI liun in the receipts al rtl to be upward UjljIXOI. and ubsmqueuthy it ill to UJW.

which rather tree the vk UK difficulty he enceisrd was to find at tenant Mr. a i ILL was persuaded5 that if proper offer were made the romrniitre would wunimuus in Uliiiu the air but lie thought that before such. an important change in the property wai actually male another meeting should be called to jive lb. cool mittee an opportunity to tlate lk ir opunons upun the vbect Mr. oaln.

nat Uiiiout that no time should brloM at. if the bitiiWM were IItd tilt' It. whoever hr might br. would has tn linw to furiu bit arrangements fur thrrnwiinj teavm It having br tjrcxd that the quiciIha tlioulj be decided at tbe nieelirc Ms. GILIaCILL again ruse and rooted three su1gtijits the uh tjure which was II lollow I.

that the llirlre royal. Vary-lane be let upon a kate pro- vklrd lhal an adequate rent ami a valid security ran be obtained. x. UK I ernerai uieriuig lake onIIIICI1 ruq its tne seuit lesion rod that it be empowered to give publicity to such reports II. in llirir opinion may be It s.

3. I hit the larthrr prueerdtn be reported at the next annua nevtnl or proprietor in May. Tlw lion. Mr. LA Mir.

alter hatinrtlatrd hi objections to a part ul the hornier resolutions rd by Mr. Robin. on tbe ground that they imputed improtier motive to the conintitle. refuted to tile nonvmou letlrrt which lied brett publithrd in the iwwtpapert which lie ttalnl tad IM uttly bees. It Pfnorul to.

hinnrlf bu to uthi gentlemen. Ilr put it to the judgment of tntleiKii present wlwllwr such. tcandakiui proceedings were nut calculated to do Iu I ii. ute they pretended to support. The requisition whkh this mrelilig lied been cooled whkti wutignrd by one per.

wit. pretended to has. ihr authority many wee oh tin tame tamp. 1. fact wai.

that the name of me gentleman had been ruse-at to that rrquitilimi who had never desired it and or another wha we ustiis-rttood was pint a tliarrk 4der. The gentleman win had taken upon himtrlf do lists. had done much rnisdnrf to the WClCfna Whetter 161. might accrue to him by the dilapidatiiiu 4 tliit property lie Mr. L.

knew pail but IM he was per. ua led thu. at at proprietor he lied either nvgkcted his duty or nt malignantly intruded lo injure Ille tJ1Ctm. With retpec to the charge at trwompetesicy again the rommiltre it mouth. lor hint to sac that no proof hid tivrit and with pd III the rnlnrtunate qiarrel between the two rival 110.

Iris II to Mr. Uomih lie. nerd say rfhiiif tart lie believed the town wat with the tlwatrr of UrnrJ I hi. fact wat. not a cynlrolrn tlwaire was ri ius.

and hat this tr wm drctiit- lilt. but tnih wrrr in II. tame falling ttrlr. Ari inlrota the Jit- trrttet ul tlw tnuiitryttoth wrredechiiiiii. ilb thit advjila only MI the part oh ganlrn that their private concerns had nut yr rco.

putitic. At 10the tied unlnunrled imputation that I. Mr. only wanted to tote the of II" Uwalre into hit wit htdi. Ii uut only say that lie mutt be treed fro.

alt anonyiuon 1.11 he mutt boo sucurd alt imprrlinrniaitacls and must line the lull confidrncr of all the proprietors. before could at einpl it. tie concluded by teeuiHlKig the rohathwn Mr. TEXT pripvc1. that at the xtanni ill' the come thuuUI be ttonkesI by the proprietor fur their vtrrtioiiv Mr.

rmiiT thought that Uiii was the sites occau such a motion tl CC a vrry lull nwclng IK be conceived that nor turn jutlly the thjnLa oh lot proprietors. Li wat hit iletliled inH ii. that the publicaliuiiuMhe ntiynatius letters llulrd tow i mu injuri tut the T. 1 hr rilJlhtIUtlI Inch tied 14 yen- piited nut iih hit n- hrartr urrrnc at mate real dvai a cainrd by kttin lie tlealrt- wi11I the utlin a top lo the pub. lu timi of the privatr tuicrrin of llir airs.

Mr. 11101. ripre I himtrlt warinly with Inc raIIc1 t.iiitn-.l by the most tli nr vrirt oh resolution who I jid l' eir rarourrd by all ji in In. power tap ilrtf iorjtr the IPprIIy llw tuiiw lisle 11111111 hx hem put I. II.

rr- quiviMHi wl hid iprrt rd it.l opniM that the theatre whl seat In It I mi leat at VV iih rr iirrt to the attrrthni that iithp it llwciiiiiirtlre I aUmI1 iliirinj three or tur nionibt lirdrtiarcd Ih tlie usvuatwaa was Lite and slum. i llrc tIIIIII thatlheitrniuiit is llccumiaillre wrre MMK ririiipUry 1111 111. with rr rl lo lionII lie had altrn 4r lor our I'- Iwurt rteiy dayhuii thar 1lv rxcrnlrd to tldr i x-if nn Ihr uiriior oh I lbir nlhcr thit hail ul been lie nrii lotornr tlfn ant read partirtilar Rct 101 each. innrdrr In a ih 1 II. rtHiUinrd unk utkiitdrd and mthp il.

11. ulllini liicl. one tbtm trody nude tint II. romilll t.I in. corned it rtctI 40nUl at hat shunl require any antwi 1' but tliil it a In lit rd tit it lud it wrighl ilh I who were ontrq-iaintnl wilh the affair' oh I.

theatre. llie letter alto that II. ttlllllih bad. by its gr i conduct the value 01' the thirrt lois IrtX. to t4.

llit he VItrI fur he null 1 1 lirvr n- thn I wat II. I the pun oh nuyiii cheap slid llins dear. jl wit 11 loth- einnmtlre lint the fall in thu- price or 1. was to be bi to those gruel arid scmdeXou. reports which hued bsvsi spread al roH Mr.

tinai rtplyinril. lli hat I ed wr nM in I Ir quitilioti wlirh lie was atitlii riir to a r. hr qurtliun hrfurr the sist-roWy at timplt to telling the ate. rd Hull Hb wat uorini8f1tllt llitt pu JV IJ eo Son an4 li the inter oh tie ut iirit air roiierin as. lijUy ijllr In ll atrr.

II llru lanetir trr tl idiikinr oiilutula rival. the tanw obvrvaliont wmJt apply hut another ate. riulrd. it insole it the jnepeiinu on the nsooetiee In keep ll ir pmirconrern at tecrrt be ihlr. Wilh rrgrd to tl qurtlioii of tbiui U.

theatre1 II" treffl in the it li lie" oh that sense hut what he particularly witheil to i was ttIerin ijw wer of the committqe granted a by art XVUamriit. at well ii tie rte riurattisi of the property. I the tprr Vl' i of ndaV i rrportv Hr thought the committee was toolarge. 1 be act of Parliament boa. ever had mad.

at certain siwaiber necessary coiic ired that. al leatl while they cunlinurd to MI prurrieIIn should re thtii thi4r full ulIdlt v. prnualrd leal litti. blCbmop and tliUill. between the Dn ietnrt and lilt' committee were wiosi iiijarinui to the hr ere of aB pinks rngagrd in II.

Hit Lordship omcluded with nsslng a iii That the committee are entitled to our full omttdencr nj that their pea er givej to tSeji by art or Parliament should remain unlrttrrrd. durwi 1 pment punarrmenl oh the concerns or the theatre. The rrsolBtion umrrd by llr. lUolm were tbs wUMraww mid those prnnsM by Mr. GrrnfeU Mianlmoutly tuMilatediA tnJ.

lb. rtol prnpowct by J. LtltaJld ra wi. agreed to. accompanied a vole thanks to the Mh-eo iiuUe rue their attention lo lb concern tW ealre and their tserY.

br its support. t- ii by Mclrai igerl all Mnniitr EXPENSES or CIVIL SERVICE By order of ibe House ol Commons an triwtt has beets printed showing bow the sum of JOO000 wt" ss5oo the parment of expense not ineUxJedin the ordinary charges of the civil List has been applied. The items are very numerous we subjoin a few tiw information of our traders Right lion. George Ko to we Urn I. odaarze th espeoses Incurred lit UwlarliamevilAce.

3 fc SO Fred. NicolayEtq todeiylberxpexMufnptand 9431 A A Silsoirs to and ripenmof lbeC rl sod Receipt of Eicbeqwr iloia has nothing to with llw judicial ootinettolUM Court 7 a Ruhet Browne fur espetM a iOoaMntilltf the officaol the hunt department in June. 1814 873 II 9 Thuiii RidweU Fq cnntincent eipnues III the rriP Iiu. 1 OLlnd hue completing gin bills hi UU1. ftO 0 0 Joiin CK Laq.

secretary to the Lord Chamber. lain ol hit ilajety' tttitcbujd. for ripenset at the Houses of Partiaaeut he half year. ended wuehontapsnws vidiDccollanhadgrs aii taairlin oh the several etdeiol the Garter. Bath.

Thistle silvrr trumpets hoe the UI. Uaards. and Horse Guard. Blur pIt chasus bCt bud mantln oh the ufScn a tie several or- din silver and emUoid colt th. hvnld Inoihlre frtloC ltodh ya lUa trptrn- bialand triennial icrtirrt fur thrdmmracr sod Iloyal tUodaru ol IS Lil and Fuol 0 0 To the acme lor ripen.

oh piate lor hi Mijetly OI ea and Uovrnior 6 Cc sun KM in pyiurul 4 ki shhuwasce iyr M. Uic U. ptJolie owLt tl tie tL u9rfrtro III the Jtmr yatt. Mi a yrar to Midtummer I8G. whm tlie trr- vice termnutrd.

71 5 ti. uII L. q. secretary tr the mnmtttfjttrrt ptNntrd lo protCftd to the ittamlot Uurmeyfor the purpose lit utminiig lit llaliJi dU Sr by him paid ovrr the tulLiwing rsuoa at remuneration fur their crvicr in IL. uwlerwtutiuool pn Mtioiii George SuIJ 1111.

0 0 Harry Morion Ovrr. INq II a 0 Wiliim llulUndEv lji 10 0 Hiuiwll ttecretary Jio 0 0 0 0 Fees and charges thereon. 140 I 6 Total. 6 Samuel nKtqforeipti ei II yal Na. valAtylum for 1316 O46 10 10 Ukip ur ktbank KKJ.

to crdt nrlraying rapists. ritt yiuiut and rpatt I4fkfl 0 0 iUiarn Spit q. to rnahlv MID to discharge tie incidental riprntttot his Majesty's tre tury 3000 0 0 Fur the relief ol the poor In rducre clergy one yet 1 0 or the relief of the Of' in utre laity vie yr. 7. 45H 9 6 Join.

Ctltrrt K. 1. secretary to the lord Chamber lain to pay ne trtuert' bills in the hued Chamber. Iain' ilrpartnwnl. 10 0 r.

Abraham Rrrtforthe rrlif Protrttaiit sis- trnling misters Koglandhalf a year tfff 0 Sen Vaughan. for ditto sit Ireland one year 733 11 6 Fxpensrs xtlliordinuy for Ambassadors at foreign Courts 286281. 81. Hid. The items un this head are very nUmtnlUA the following lire the st curious lit Grace tlie fluke of Wellington in rrimburtemrnl of 0 itraordiuary ripentn attending tlw rrnxivkl of hi.

uipar and marr IKna Poruln tBt3o tlw bccationof ltuonaariei arrival in that rpil he loril at that liiu ultnrd whit the character of Arnhaooadur fWIIt his Majesty to the King of s. 470 6 A lorfrcsarol itampt then-no 21 I O. Total. 491 7 3 Sir C. StewaztAmbepsdor tlwCourtot Prance.

in rrireburtrnient If itraurdinary uprnWl in curred lit removing pert of hi effects stoma Bras. trlt to Antwerp at the tialC the ruJr of Waterloo 164 9 0 ir.u-- 13 17 J80 6 0 Fitcivy SotrersetSecTet4ry 1417 of Emubawy at Pail' in reiuhursenant of the Irft paid on hit af putnt. pit to that tilufction In JO 0 In riiiburemsist cf repenter ul hi journey from London lo INI putt 156 5 urese It IS 0 Total. 0 5 Gronre Henry Rote Etq. Lnvoy Etnordin net Plenipotentiary to the Court Brrlinln rrimbunemenl us ripentet incurred hay luau liar put- office charge and etlolette and allowance lot tent and loss by eichaane and alto toe Ire.

and stamp paid on hi apuoinlcienl to that VT SI3J 15 3 ic 11 3 0 In rein burtmrnl of sapreises in quarter Hiding JuylBlj tot 1 bcechartetand ufeUr 94 17 0 Foroiwquarter bouie rent UT Forle. ecc 1414 6 Total. 1189 It Sir Gore Outley Bert. in reimbursem*nt of t1 incurred by him in conveying eight hones from Fri to thh country at a present from the Sovereign of ha country to the Prime Regeat. lf 7 0 Frt' 34 Ii 0 Total.

11193 18 0 June Basidhiehl Esq. to pay bin. oJra. by he Earl oft tancarty charti wiilit tprcial Kmbauy tIX 0 Fees. WIO 0 Total.

US9JO Outfit and rqutpage to Minister al foreign Courts. nut I'm amount to 1 6 IT Kariof CUncarly. Atnna to the Ncur land' lOt outfit and equipgr 4172 0 0 Lord riliroySommelSrcrelary to win bmU ty. 161. HT.

6r 5 0 G. C. tiitrubus Secretary to the American ttioi 514 16 6 PARUAMZKTARY APER. OFFICES IN COURTS vi Return to an Address of the nllllOunWe House of totessis so hit Royal highness the Pence Urgent requiring. A muni oh the snow of all such tuloorctile officer in the levera Count of Law art taWI of England.

a are In intruit for the trvrrkl Chief or other Judges or tutu Court or of which tiw-jw-o. fiitare in the whale or in part. applied to their use spicilyhig the amount of uch pn Cii end to whoop and for use be are applied. 1 TIIF. LORD CHANCELLOR.

It appears from a report of a committee of tie lion. the llou of Common. made to that bon in the year 1811. Uat am nf olWr rMoluraentt of this Great Seal the per brtdin the thtueuons oh Secretary of Bankrupts and Purse-bearer receive. toe the vi tie pencil oMingtlirGrratSral sums which tl ey acconrl amj a hi It i brlicteit.

have been always the tame till the Chancellor linId certain plyiueiatI to be made out of what at accounted lot In hit prrdevniurt. III it tilled iu the report of the cwmiut- tionrra for inquiring jade ti-c feet of the court oh josh- a copy or which Rport rrlunJed into Chancery lies. in uhido. to an order ol the house. been laid before it.

Suun alter the rrpirt of the committee of Ihe House Cmi nt in 1811. was toad. the riixJum mt of the It nriecharrdby vi rar liamrni it ilh tftiA. year to tot' paid to the Suitors Fund to rrim- horse 11151 lund one-half 01 the icr-Cbancellor't ssay. The per.

tons liohThig these situations have thruugh al ig rd of time to for. and ouiited I lli Lord Lhmctbor Lord per awl lrl oiui4oeisul the I hit the time hang tlni. three orrxJilt tan be holding olhcra in trust tie Gre Sr-I. within tie nUlill ol the Addmtol House rominmi ut the SClh day of Frbrujiy. lh.

re rc no office Lflol a trtil for the Lord Chiancihkr. ti Keeper. Lids ra tMtiert ul the Greot al fur the time or oh whakh the pruXats are in the a hole or in pert applied to their vie. s1dres referred to it it applies to rrceiptt requirr the ani iuri tve.i. Lut speciea nnprrurft.

wiilirrlereiiv It. which llul amount it to ht" stated but it it Uiought right lutUit tie swuis teif il r. ant Bicounlrd lot to the in-al Sr l. the 1.1 fit years wukli. on theivrraieol tlMr fiveyr rtis hi.

ttaiihrupi lab jf4wj Iii lOprr uiniim. IheUrsr II pr mount. Tist auouiI oh the bird CrianreiW receipts appear in the n. port ii the Cnm mil lee of the I lout ofCmimont in 1811. LilM tin.

Rid with e. view at giving the lullrtt on this Kli Uw total of tie salary id Irma iced Inc the td l1ntIIIo. nclung cm SdrnlMird tiller that time it here ttaled SroMShAprifl8lltoVhApril8ir. J65ff rom6 lAprillll loMh. From tic April.

1813. to Silt April. au Iris' Sdt April. 1614. to th April.

3315. rrom 5th April. 18 touhAptrI13t6. liCT I 9 It 9 id I The serrate vi the toUi receipts nunng the time the sit Chani at Id the iii bring It171. to.

II. lit the lees in Uaiikraptcy3 JStII andof Purse. li l9 raft tll. la wenumrtf turn brin wrluted us the total avera 12170 slwve stated. a 1 the wbnw hj-cl to the rniri Property Tat durirf the time ll Jl duly rwhlieomL e' Ojaula are upon the beat iutormtU CLeat- ffilnr ran obtain.

UON Munch. 0. 187. UHF. WRD cmrr JUSTICE.

The only nflicn Gout oct Bench which Ml witlun tie dctrrintinn of the mutation th wat llw Hontr Cam. tun lbe Sin of February are the of lie Cluel Lien and of lie Clerk of Ib nun. of lhal Tea uthi of Chief Clerk i held in treat lou we. and tuK et to my apuuinlnwat. at to its tAIOID Jby my ideal the it.

Ed. ward Law. and WalUM. q. and the sarvese vt stud the net prcfita of lb oc me applied to soy use.

Ibe annual aa nt thereof. upon an erreee sw-dee ur ran. Uw year I tt to the rrrtrU year 1817. 6W. 9JM.

Tb. proiuof tie Uv cy cunHdcrabiy Mr-d their tormer amount daring th last tit years. 1. several particular reUlfc to tbi Mttce Its urr sad a BBdltseunnn unviiUtlMloftk Chief Justice III' wboatWnM pPo i mrnlUwritol lm eim rWyb Jorig UveUseryaTti slated in teveral retires to tb CaMmittiocKn MlUn 1) JrrtenV CUei Juthc U. hetirlts.

Lk Ac chief drrk bald IOIesIstLIseshe pee cStd lb us Its wbkU It was p4 tae let Ckk Juttojfcfe us fJfcW Jatn Le riiroaV olOrkatCicTon mi traxrfy lrcJtowlWtiwrtWkirw-BrwfcrTjJ its tar Chief at oar. wkn by srtwii kt la rud iH it to the fc IN et bring a appears by the statrasmt and docaoKwUim that tMi ilely sebesilted to she Cinanimuaau sitting the ca. tt nm th ptihCc rnvitae lit tit smosol twu sayahle lit th TrniwT which wat tra to rd itrkwtckr. tb then CIrid Jai cr. in ih yeas subject Is land Ul.

place semi pew bit. the III upon end to Ire property tax hi that tm uwtiihmed which thru rtd taanmmtMx iatnr bnwCcUrrceiyl. toabowl rtprr wk outcry i rtLo rrdaced by the charge to wlOdt the rl Jest- is Millet. InthJiii mutt 4 the lk rl with the tUlMtwry and rnla ward In those to bet 1501. pit sod by tepeiss.

oh twm ircaut which amount to Use further sum wt and dOOL i oinum salary from lk pullie rrvuue Ire never been Increased mist. ma hr prriud which lu elapsed I l7Xali1 tigh that of every wlK-iiUCcvr in tilt' Court Law ia VVrjimkjleMtailhatbwa than doubled by tncfeitlr intreues daring that period pn eaJy tb circ*mstance oh Ifsr Lrs1se. fcavint advenr 1 oh ra of hi to Ik rmul4akti rhsca Chief Juttic a known. and ot seven public rrturiia to artlurenrUtlaUdacd aeLasvhsdir1. to ni trues tb ftcrat rUatoakCcoonlMfthra TaiUgtrwwakao niupoitett i specs to toe pUuseg vi Iii.

oflitrol tid clerk a other Sen. Alt I' bTui wia PI riced by Kr in rraprct to my auJ oIiiactlf lip ray MM. lite to the CwBmhiiuaert tU March 101817. lUBOflOtGU. 3.

MASTER OF THE ROUS. Thieriswt5cwhaschjhnI4jn Uaath me. or or- witch II rottiare iaik ho or in part W.G\i-\\l. VUsft of ll RuCs. IamaV4ditiW aunt awswtHctlA ac occ nine MUHl-MARTlAI CALCUrrASfriS qvaini UOMIJT.

JIM 51816. Lo ylCoU k-IJtiarsS Mtkeflb SdBatUlioiiiflbe oUi Kr i. ralel NatK lafawtry pat arrest ky ordi- vi hi ticeBeucy Oat. Sir Miks Nigktincal. K.

II. Cmender lit Clucf of Force onder the Prrtideocy of ILsabay on Ut klhow rr- for tcondaloa and ohyaefal WthJy anise. wnc the cer and the lenOvavMi us tau1nc uIltIf to struck and beat by th tilt Captain IV uat Thitciset. whets on ulfin. the 9 Regiment.

on lot about the Lh or. Ulhob 4 A gal test. witbost basing Ukro III' tultabk step ii t1OIII aivi character lives I pprobnisa ii ma. Ki- A Smrc ci or mi. Corat Tke Coors Laihug taken U.

deliberate fnnuderalmi Us. videee. tor and anunsl ike piwclhin togi-tIw-r with what the prisoner Urulrttua-CUuorl 3. smith bat alleged in kit daintier et piiwio that it aotgaiky of conduct tcamlahiti and IJratIIul amid dv folly ocaxUhnaU at part II. charge but My arc of potion.

Lf. is goiky ft eunduct unbetoniiai tb officer sad that mew in slrack toe tale Cpll lhalchrr 11 having taV soilaMr steps to vHidicalr hit hunojir sad character If that opprabims ttiftow. in hre of kisM wtljt Artidn of War ha oath rate MOT and pr tided and do ref sentence said prisoner tiewteam Co" I James Smilhtn be reduced in ary rank lot MI ooathv Oh 011. parts oh the charge the acqoit the prisoner. Httine prwrard I paUic daly.

the rt Ik times. wise called up to revert so the setimasy in pecube oilier lavourahir to" charache 4 uii laiwl Jam. rib and to coasidr peculiar ritralH it which hr ties be placed by the eitranrdKuur set 1 Cops. Thatcnrr. at the rtnd 01 recommendation to tit Ute Commander for rrmiMMm of tire trtiimce thry kar awaHett.

J. GRIFFITH. and PreMtlent. ROISERr LEWIS Jidr AdvUen MNlUim4NGALLLIe JllooOCl. II.

saaudrr in Chirf it di potrd. wider oil ii. cir t1nnbnnt of tbr castle confirm Ib tiuidii and wntrncr. ha. that there It.

any nrcruily tar uprnolllC kit flltajyro- ion at distinction in word which can never smimitird wiUwat the mntlenou injury to tilt character and respectability oh the sees. 11. Court folly acquit the pnauarrof tcandatou. and tl conduct bat they are of opinion that Iw it tiity oh cnndtrt aok coming rtficrr and mdrtstan. This so rooUtdVtory as to render it nstermely icul.

to cam to any cw clutiun OH tue and can only hi any be rrrorcJed by lfcerelalive liuti nei lIe prisoner and Captain Thatcher at. period oh rantaclion cad by the share. el blame attaching iu the of Uw Court to latter. Hi. Ezieflency the Commander ire CrJrf ukrt this opportunity at observing tact the rrcomawiidalinn a Court not any put vi the duty imposnl ama them and sent it i nreenary to adept it that it outkl too ha.

Inserted no the record alter ih tifoalaret of Iii. Yresideii and Jdg Advocate end not precede In pee. ut instance. In the present case if UotrrunuC eI Jam Snail' pilIJ tat Uw. charp eihlbited sralmt him.

the teoieoct far ookuienl a if he is not guKty. he ought to have been acquitted. From the recuanItfI of the Court. tb Commander in Chief is led to suppose that they lean to th Utter decision and refute mails the sentence of tit months' reduction of army rank passed on lint Jaa Smiths which. under a dUTrrvBt the subject would be a punishment totally Inadequate to the of- rf1lf and it LrrwbJ released Itom arrest and stdsicd forthwith to juin I battalion.

Monday tame on before tbe High Court of oJustidary. Edinburgh the trial of Joint Ferguson accused of far different arts of theft. committed in' that city and Leitb. on the hut of December last. Tb.

parmeI pleaded rvitr to tkrte of be Ioar cbutet against blot be. be cowl and jury. Acer litcate of the yri former good character was rt 1'- Copt. MAltuof Ib tr pJ MfandrMcoaoteliaasbartaddr ta. said that be was driven to romki ion of the' crimes toy U-tm.

dislrn sad want both hr himtelf and tmdy. The Court sentenced him to tSutontk CUD at iIardfbnw Advertnemenl We have authority to OJfttracI ct the npnrt 111 Mr. Ml it Bob about to suit the premise in Cheapsitle. TN prrtetil tote tat hit very ritenwC and valoobir sleek of India and ttnthhi is to going into a wbolrtakr and Iwcitt trade mid turning hi. ritrutive premises Into I large wholesale Scotch.

slerand and India in and hut equal authority to tlalr. that then at wdl at at present retry family. turf their Irinld. who hero lwoioard the hues. wilh their fattKin.

ill still receive the tame respectful attention and. th bt earaugrment. lUHnh. In ttrrrf on Wednesday eveninc Mrs. R.

Giffjrd. of a At park. Yorkshire or. Monday Joe INs insLMtcouolo Poirii ton. a MAIUUW.

OnTliunday.thrlOthintt.alSLFaiUi\l the 3. Saundrr John Amber. junEsqto Alary eldest daughter of John rdloao Esq. Wulvrrhampion. On Wednewlay last.

by the RrvDr llirwlwl. Aaron Ashen triid. EM of tqoare to Sopkfe eldest daughter of Say. mons. oh itrret.

Yesterday Mr. Joseph v1CluulIof AWeratinkarrtoliciuirto Mary second daughter ol John Warren Esq. 01 Comptoetenrare. Itlmgion AtGumisryouIhe Ulb nnLJohn Peddle Esq. Major of Bri- deto the force in that h1aad1o Louisadaughter vt llwUM William Peter Price.

Etq. DIED On thr nth hot. Mr Cooper wile or John Xoper jq. of Park- huiwse. IIihcae strd MA' co*khrtteron the 1611 intl.

ol a decline Amy. milt of Jan. Laps tLr lion. Esst India Company' tertioe 31. Vetlrrday.

at hit brother1 house In London. Mr. Wm. QrioltoP. I.

of to year a Matter in hi Majr navy much tapectsd PRICE OF Husk Stork I India Bond Si pr. per Cent. Itrd. that .1. 4 pr.

Cent. Cuit. 701 i I FacLrq. flitls 3 9 lope. Vnt.

IISI i31d. 3 I One I I Lottery Tickelt. IS lbs. muS 11 CrL ft4 Con toMcet. rot 1 T.

ulStIlabtobrlhd Stat. Lottery te 4 VrnMlwl9Cb rin 111611 it A I bit At LONDON URIDGE THIS DAY. Mondug. 4 ir attrr 4 1 Mlrmooa 17 mnrr 4 TO CALICO and To solo' by tritat COO by MrCI TA cE. order of Ur.

to traulnu- naZis. printer UITWJ the IWMMM II. auaM Ust wiihpubrvuiaiatMMitumMrr. of tut ciUMire laXTUO likOC MAMlA lOR WArSltMILL a 4 rLATsitoat at MLthau tbro Blr rrry 1 miles from Urndow. erioiac a ClWhS54kui ri ana udirr law shruk- rrirs cardiac sat pirmtore alt tAr ky a irmerkaWy tor oat tLrui cold talk cad IS Kr.

truuUo with capital rags ot kwiMm fuel leacti I. ttorwt kit uite for rllal4nft of at water mill sir power tnrwrrkuu a Scarlet i Ik whole to euo4itMs. and welt a4a rorcarc kruncerai Mac Hwl either to UM shot cay nUirr line of inr rr ina ulr prrausc Owe is a for the arenaimf tiun of a foreman rff ard talAtw brU altowl au IWM ky a tV rat tee. lake wed Tuesdays awl TkorHlai with eordito I. had of Mr.

uncr. II. owJaaCkea tde 1 boa the teima may be SOIL by lrinle Contract the MANOlt or I LOCDS11I eUlXKBVllX la Joe iw of Kattfca wILL the rrtorv. MtBxm boatr. Mrwum.

and Tniesnii ttsata hr loading. tv 1- liif to lk whot. wee. of wkirk I i7 acre ru wU a rtrk. arable sad tto wkJ 4 tat.

the tevml farm. Xnowa by the a i 4 uWdw Ikwfk i ri riail Knakkara Part-far co*cksh l. SSuikbSr New. kuwtn. wwdkead-larat Ik anO tk UM the mahad foataiaa rn nf womtlaod well rockwrd.

roeeer4 wUk raloaklr ok sd other I and MS acme ikrreakoaU. vi lwwd the whole estate curt au la the to a kjy rra A a a VMV i jtHtC taj a i ayr iaU te tlwofrft and baa lately mch iatrrand by iagitkrraitaea lwr wiUaMeai aaiiwUtelycr 4aa4 lunrkilM an IA. wuk saaaaukw afraol utrta of lam alitsaiid a silostuis arr Uw tail to kevrrr cairoJre ajMltvWaetnrt UoddiuoaMrwhich arvtkr wader the load 3. t. L.

rnik r. at Ilib. rtauluiciai earrraicotar eoUwvy oa Uut rMatew kk all wool ft yujetkg of war ra e. the otoapiia-Jtnai two to the tonlihd rail. otioey ft Brlokkwro Is.

rra rreeaUy wJargd i ttam 7a scoommdatio esitahie toUwiyra grothewisa MV krrfrrVra rt ws satetuAs. Tr-n-iili-rriilBt 1- tent a rooms liiCtrrraa1tJrTarmT frftMW. llr wtiaSM 514. roraia rnoa trwo gam Wall kinda wkrk ha tncttf Uart7 dncrviac I. UIft Uw iporu St tk itk ttl It atloati 1 wsscaat wlaadlac II.

st rt the imi from llw cr serraaa tsepetkt fr Mw to UUakartkM mike rraa Alawick and ntn tWSt a ami a Aw. A 0. nocLM A Sc1tral Oth tia Ct1ll6p ltwt ihct ua ttd A. Nonr an- ttfligt1ce is tqully Cal. ss wlich beat ttJbI and oaCIC Norwa tWu.

The nulum theGoWru nldlt tlitdtu pt. relDfdin Cami tLtal toUl ClCtradt. the of moory tb4 jurt pl 1 for bankt the I s. fbeGnTemmmtt tbelrince md tte thin al1e te ltm urwit I the the Lith are btohlrbly a their idelity th ocb as nr virg knftitl and trnnieI1L romDJ Utet le il al re idrablt. pq ating milu i II is txprtssc i aat Ihnr i bi esting cttto neutr.

Th mm. Stting rtl nmta a at i xrtDtt irutt a Wlt tre ptrotin. Ctldnbe up hitb Itbat al sul tt clplnt. Fr 6a uc ohbe anyotbe ll nlk lr CS o120 nun. 20 prfor er tM gr Ey tbril admintrt.

pr Ii. imrtion arde ooTa luxur. tr ig. a al dman pbl io. te pphlet a wsP Fubibr i impsabte nt trrk cu.

Al ar agl. tblt tng amlir. ot prrron. Il strnbb SLft ane aLrb tlt pblic rnnu. otrbte tiDnty tl L1shmlnt nd nDtnanre arbtr pwtr.

a lb d1 o. dmrnl Stlt. Jut 0 9rt or90 miln. ery falit ablul unbe ry tus 111S GO fal1n. tle gkr' a.

rcht wi. acring bgd. ogtd py crwn Ipi. 6jl tO pr anhUI. 1lsum to iDIpt aU :9.82,0 trwn.

i juty ob an. tlt ts almt tct Il tl amnt i cIt Sme rb iuw a as pintr a td tri captls lobiu. ad prirlly Jnglad. 1r prs bome objel pMit oam. Te gn nl unihge.

Jr noa lgal te Epr Rus bi mOt ote frrod bt ca i al tlp I Egla it plhps or nat a mOt diiotrrt A wt nn ratr FfCO wlh Utacy i te dpl au te Brns tl lp se 1 ily 1 mtr tbr. Te njt wib Holad Id Itl Stte io tem te due or irol ue hve ro 11 reulL I llgh Pr tlllt egbten tl uty nxt oit CDdmn ur Li mirae wit IrruAladrua appa tt tee n4 tio I yt IOttS. r. it Denlart tttg publc te ony. ad ole pit.

er slwly. Dmak. tht klgdm 1 dosbig unrr b. 1t a miittO Bemtorf. ad wwtb dhibite te sSlr sple oftbe prttt llibry tr lr atllute Lwt i reonrg ly fm te stle weluls it wa by wu undenkr unde cntrl Uupf.

bt Dltn tdelty. Iece. eft nutlon cntrbuttu indtmty or te Frh wbib wlr Iaioe unpre lo1stin ten ametirte. bt Dt. Denmk appar ath bercC lg.

10' i ussi 11 RJlURT ll A UBI AD OJBI. 1 C1W nl Iond. tfllor IInh fcl 11 Wrll Rt nO slje ConIrovrTy I i.I. 0 I. PAil ur 11.

an t. GW efnl pT. 1 Ar. 11 t. 01 etbisf Jul 1 i Im.

piuLJ delradanltro wnrl Or Ucn in Llon. IIi mlrd ditlHlutl Iar nIl pn i I m' drloIfd 10. lor t. II. icillllo Id.

ur liownrr staLflLent. p' hi May bIJI dt pt liIlC rdcicy pI Ipo I. PI' fl' itll 1101 nrsUgIe nd 10iLe llr. Trpvrt 1 al 110" ai" tefIaI PWIII itI to ill be lC diocJowd. pt Iii tilt CUtllIll It lJaw On of the delendllta that llor pn qliua uf in.

qial reolrrd kti drt drd lIit II' lke he I. II cu1racllor. I anr1 upr" lIIil a n. 1. the Jr.

dlfotrtAllti AI Ca" id Jirt SIr. Mr. Luand tor 4W" 1Ii I' plajtf 1. 1111 aloe wI It nit ub ucllu ctinsueiwrd a 1Yt11uil. iulil they O' IMMJCd that the the I Li lt lb.

dir 1Ic. mlauJ llOclt ilh tic Kil tinc Im-i drprecute P' 1 thu tl. brc*nteI tojod IlwfrIut J. Keuvnl II. lltt 1.

ofrd I. 111. 11 who Ivr rqoul I. fil I Irtnd tha pa llilT II. alltl.

I' II. 1. nd It. II. lalru irigiiit iio lloe Hil all rl h.

1. If part lloe pl1IitI tl. iit their tr uhh alllYl II the i rr do tLnr drill bl itaalfCllOUi uotCunist 11 0. oh Int rIfUT GIIIlfHnlIft IIUV4 I olhtle pIinlindoiro Ir. HLL IIIr Itan.

dutbh the IItJII jvdCft11 Mll. to It. UT. tcu COM" IIIIJUrat kid the ror bin WJtIOl Judy unls tliur. tumete A Jq 01 TtwtdannricIIIIIt I.

asiaclod Pportiui1 Otampih tLetkerwvs L. d. 1IIIt in use the d. laIC crwdilloi ci. hu tor atd the I-'i Itd rtoIlf he.

ic Pic1pudf1o' wilk loi. ItA 1dcdIrd It a Pf" ia. can. 1IIIp1 Ie I. Iakissp IJte r.

na rbl 1 otawaool IW clft wywit poA urbM MsIIt wrr dtl 1 11 the ul hIrflhib4Ihty ha IM. IIl 1eIIt. COI1ltlDfiESSEcONDLAY bame otbe th iIta1 ly cb WDol a r. ablubare. knownotw rit hisn rumfr his pra 1e ku nur Wl beat ioteU mia reidenot It nce WOI lay D1 1DCt uld kamin 1 I tbelboriuu 111 cnnttmp cuUitl thetom cote.

lalll nizinl th tbewnrk bt m. epuUicity w1JiclJau. ng uistll1 crisSLlr Co CllUntr wJI senrtl J4ltjhj likew ie th troh handt me hoJs. oi Dla. eD 1111 tll1 0 and fd Lii if I tf CJ" lIIiahlliii II.

gearral oIlhe paniculrqarJitin 1II ou aIIliuln1 hilualliid illr nI prrdj lion u' a ra r. dfAIDI oItt 71 Ii tiwlf incrndir bit coiibustbles Iutl to SOloI. I' liILf oie ofamStWrill wril1lliIIo pvi Ail dA JOI1W4. rof lit wiwktws Waalo Ylo i uur aimn. dir pruccdurts biIh 1Oj" III llc ooa.

cluall dr oilll110 lIe CtinJfd POPut hr a. Iithfull aJoJ nre tli aa In nlliJl' orIHand ill IiC il btllCnr III" rnKkn al ffnllMlIluhlir coDlllr OPI unil wtere lIw actulI itlliIont e. pkd ull Yes I conliuu nce Itr rt. Hi he we tlI an ould1sh. M4 lr hholild Lillo ricb.

nde' cralillld1 lhe 101 ahr J' I Ooe iUIIrIIlIaLm lII tir Tt Ir nMoldue the lrr1JoC wid Irlentiuer in Is I III chu I pile ilk 1 tlOl1ii. IRlac yroncuhallnaLe disus ful. iIIlnl sin dic1i flIC rt al adr fr dillIli tJe Und prr the r4ote I tlip tbOI1 ical fllr aff d. tt in tbe tJ. mucb.

ruin nd lIrnc ba these ofllndnd ith hr I 111 II ho the 1M illlo. NCCMIt I CItl Th clwme vll O.rl. lullniIlC uft clCkai ale II must dWdnd IIIi lhoulh-- lIoIII uaI sit dil he relltai du ttults llai. AI. Rlu1 II rr is It.

au I is II n. Chriti1I Srpture. Wlln iAU pt rw blll sf rl 1IuiI. It l.u.I.I..e..r. Ut1CddIiat ta Ih I.

N1flulMul tot- d. I h. iCe lIrouClo1 lorlludnl lailllsellihal III I I St. Ibotl us 1 II I r' limo. n.I..r tlrOlle II toI1tt tull II rlIItIIIIAI seredIIII Id alld d1IIt.

krl1ulllouIim. i 1 I. rn rl. Ih i. tl.

II. bllildil" 01 IC ii 1111 I irvfilinlitlfl eausiI oiuprhitud uIr1liry 111. pllLi Jaiiwru siwplkity tll. I writan 1 I. JuIolIr the llt SI.

1.1 so 01 srhsiiy I. 1 1' inlie acu or. told f. ri I tdnirl cU OJJhUe er Iill tIt QU1tQur.1i trn 40 Um tr' his. a rile in Uoe Clolrra rrtioeul GIIld ho pw-i ditlou1d I tdTu the hllll 0011 rln tI II ths.

iiahlei St. AIr td Jme CCCH of No3. IIn311. wilhIilll oh 1011 coIh JI3II. e.

I. ttrulllflltIi InhJ od L. CMIIti. hi. 10 ChiicL1l hull Ilhe rilltlC 110 wsrralwrns JlllhtAuril llj w.

difrrlllJUnli and I Shot aUloi re lie thri rct that hi. had tkrii them Iic jlulr illlIe tcnlrnlull 1" Iu tnd CNIhd tnlbr rli aunt M. the i. ClnIIIAtI i tl.I..I. ht pi i List il.

abu rd. in rete very it Iil 1. I' ppi rttLh IIfM WiGilnel WI id II i. lot' otolPllioe tl. hll.

Mt' 1' Ioa is i1 II acilrle It. I lot' tld. Ith ucb rlt INrr rd onlo 10 he ich hut h. lIId II. torillC' 1tIr Ian btt 1141 1 had uClillI when 1IltaIoI and lJIAIa II a.

ia. rw uMI they Months since ltcr came wile prhiiatwr. bo 4 him be Ith tor a aad We. hiGII 1 do. ItfotIe Jradra Uftl hr" bto hi" wu.

till lot the rniaJi tn. 1 thh4 aLIlP Irand MWN a. a leu' Pre dond licit 111. I I I lMirihurn- ond. 11 tldJWhIHC" D1Jauenctlftndaaf i 14 II" jI-- 1Le oh ILlt II uf rice h.

IIretiu ha. JIftCGI a cermia oh ears. II dtock Lwd F- caW to I1w dew. and the 11 r. nt fJIal lor of an" id lain IIt mol hat 111a.

Id he ctteintIonn MI they cl ru tllIfaot or 1' Jo nc' fit. rionalttrr or JOW' i mdehIteIrtI lCClltlrlloPtn I Rs ht' Ot Id vs and. ulncll. had made Iii PfIiCl III. 1 pr061' ri rll setu4 7 were In I I 8.

aa dl Jr. bft' t11tC01Dnoled Le rr 001 U. Inc rootolV ur' gp17. liii I. 1' pI" iltotJIcI ilo re 1t9u U.

anrJNfi she 1' 1JrP. lIe Ict I. lIi ill. health able i. Ihi.

tJq Macmby while to jud JJI hraJIIs 11fII 11 l1IJJrlUIIQrlt sahtnprnc CPlint pIIIrr ilI I. 1 I. I a ot ppo ltd Joe m. Alftll 1M cOllcrmtc not illl IIprct 1. rr rot 1fCfI sd np1rlAIt wb uemrI 1 rot I dUlic.

1. I. I UUIAN I I. two OI oMIIaI11 tloe pni o. Sl ridan Ct w.

cordlil biIIOCItftIlhe ri. I' allai the Iil Id i was klltn 011. alllortulIlel I oldln au cueaill throuth pe nCJ. nil lillietaaht Ie oul Irl. Irine rnutl on" pro- 11 1111 is mnrury I.

r. nc ulJ onlillillft mUl4CtInlollhlII fdn IIihNlicti1 1linllo1I lPn II 1111 Iprw 1. 15. I ul1 1 AJrl u. opposed ru.

10 PI uld Iu hilprrt1 olba in nrnlw 11 miChlloe obllJd AI 1 IoeD iIodr II 11 Tn did lh their ID tI lIrIoClld OlIf lPniolfl. lien loUerin out the lilt List IhrI hilD. nl rur our li eie olllr trr able to rust. I I' Iion It. d.

rr I. I' scsI pnr nos aInulOlvlrllrra hlI prmts Imiwd It lkd th 1. nllelllhm be. i lld IMb Ihr be II 101 rllrr I1I. 11II' IUl d.

Roiu. Aid. I audwril 1.1 JX4. uhihid 11 oniClWlu lItellb aiH he meolin tul 11IOI1 rllh1 were COlD lIOIoa It ubwrnd. re 10 re- otJ" aIfi thn tr.

niost th lil onlld nl unlr ICidal Ind. ifItUL plnu ltd ir. re cuarn III I as acluI I1r21111r Ii wlatt their kit bll. taillsl. 1lIlin.

furlllli. she ritsuing hni" rr oJ. idfd ll1f IUffIi 1 kihhuws- IhI1I equate 1' anlla I rh YUs-F5I WCIi111 Iw1d oflbe prnclllaeoon it. i. thidropinktn la.

pCopr 111 annual lII tI" 11 LUll. hvint stated 10. I Iuillo tr. II. i lJMI IlUprcI III' bich 1 i I 10111 bet but Ieftm luillf' lU" Ihr mrelialt i J1Cd ulllI of 11 I 1 11 ntnodu hldu to Ihiltad dilpi iAliu II 1) 111.

pr ukd hl propt Cr dul nrist aliCInllllIlelldrd If' ch was uCI. I. qar 1 I hi I. ti. as.

that riilll IIIIAI ill no fHi ri Iraia Im 0111. tolrr lIolh nodinlll dloIqOtI rnncmold I 10 Ihe I. 001 II II Id II Itf pl MI1I1J pro co arl ull. Ir U1 il 1 lIiuI it. rr flllllllC 11 lUIiCIiIIII1 I propn.

It. ni ubIiCilliollu the loJllfulUuIcUrr 1 irijuriiui Li 111. I I. iIo nst creal dvaiiiaae ai. I.

1111. tbutttfl. Oplo lirIIlk' II. a ru rI I hilll' 10 tI I II. ut h- I rd IUli bo I.

said. rpearuured I. 1' Ii 110 1' Iy 11101 lii 101 1 IUiI 1. tied ill. I I.

I. Will rtsIwct I. III 11 MII II' II. cII II. 1 ilrui II.

1' NOli. I. rlnd lht ttIIas a. lie hit the ui Ui- Ie i Iry rrnrl allrollo lira da SI. rd If tII.1 I nl II 111111111 snins.

141 par1 t1llal psnrt In order ow 11 mi al oh hltI Ih I i 40rnJIat Ihunllo i1. jilt 1 Iud 1. I 10 JI. 11. Ishee uithng I.

rI ar. In Ito' tl pr ct" I rpI iMd. 11 nt used II. I I Inlrt The qUl' litoQ ml kttin IbI I JIUb ptrl tti" 1It1i. tlre 1fII.

1 SIC hoiw IlrIOood 10. iah1 a illllUl 0' iDlJt Ilorir pc-i' Ocltlk a nl illlr Wilhrrcrd the foIIr IC Ib. 111 rntl rt esnil Itlerinelh IflD II at norI ollh. sprreAts scandalous Ire eactutParlillltelllr rrd COIai. allNI CUlllin I ua lIiI1 Ht II.

nJtdI1at Wt' in I LIrN uahl irt 11IO1. ecnll Uft a ftll Jcod I ptiJ a tn. eoItn dllnlllIte na lt oIlIa I t1JrIWM Ir. MIIaI lIrd1i 1. tttDI.

paRif4 by wtbocolDtatUtc i aUnlulOtha it co 1UVPOf I. AIIIr Uf1pfMt. llOtIId be bIecI. Ie let arnt1 Ii EX P1ISUOF SED lci aD. hee smoOOCO Scssiua the txpensrs Of.

CivilLitt he itml aretf1Dumeruus rewtlw I or LS Set red. inIa 1Aq1o defra npDIC of ofcspasnd Iss rs lhe a Eac huaHc siUs Jlejwtidlbtniua JogCourt Brow tq1Wr ra oh i be J1I1 11311' q1II eun nctDlI 1011 tIl. and lIfMO EaqIf I Cha. r. Iiof bi1111jfll toH d.

Hou Parli balls Jsy 1816. 1166 SO lOrnprnM oh prln oJq coIlara. hadcra. A 1 lell oh h. d.

I siherors JcrJ t. torrrd lttltpttn- 1111 and trimW41scn udlu nj 1toliWI Lileand II. I ImIUr IM hilIjnlJ aclliu nt rt I is 1 .1 1ICCUt L. doe I CllCr LJJ all. MidIIIfr1816.

7 1. a rrhry Gf CJror th na nitc 14. that iala d. b. he in re.

lit" nrr. the ir ten ie. priprtJoiii 11. IJOI. IIdEI 10 Hlsassrhtes a 3 Thorllltln.

CJ. rornpen' No. vat lu. or 13I StaMp nroLabanL qIocrd Irr i It Jim 0 nlal prllU oh trtsuq FrI rrl Cfotll fnonchrcluCC cltrnone nrJ 1173 17 Fur oe Iirf III. re Iil It a rr' onrnIU Ch3m r. rtnnL IO AwI rot the or ill Iand halt If WIT BmJ. 1I1 land earu rx nns 1 8. Z81. undt I most curious- Ilit I in I alltll 1in It. 1l1ipa hl fr.

81 0I' cccaiun ilh ilh A dot riA 40 tr r. ItICIIl 49a' nc llrr i his Brv 1 Dloel u. I fu reft. I I I UJIQ fi fJ Emb. re life III his Total.

lIellr IAlrI 10 tlchanr. lass pput ICtCII' rrhvburstrnsnt inquuter 1LCe charc" mchleUn rltquanrUtcrml CS 1lIr I I' 14 Ouw 1 rues II. eu' Total. J. o1lcarttrctllh.

specialEasbasay 10 fIOO JO The frt of Ckuoart land ollllilHi IN. 6 44PER. or I GLAxn. aJllUCh several in IrtlU II r1 olbich tJ. 6' 1n.

pt ifJItC prihits 10. ppr rporlof Itous lonUlIOuolDade lone 1 auon t. vrn1II lUtion lalJ 8nkruplnd r. NCI nlur use II. pefJf1lllldiIlCllrrOISI.

11" 11" lCCUIra Iich is 1IlicedIae Chant ur rtaill UCII tI. uI1 lICCVUllletlur Ioi cwanoi. rI' to' it vI" tf aS olhe 1 lDlnn II rrnjiisnWIttS lrclr d. 1" Ii 110 rri I. balf ular ol ill elllrh poor od Ii II 1 Itl nc.

1 as 1 fir Grc1 Adders or the ill unnlas uillte th d. febrIlJ' rc i. KP rr I ililhe bule rt 1 addr rrrrrrnlio. uirn null iLl. CII IIJIuauUIII it.

lOu hl Il II uctilli a li. Seal. I tier 1. h. l1 tit 11Ii.

i. :3 10' lie horse 1It olllr rd thrCnrntttaitee nil. Co. L. tI1 li.

ilh tI i I tIn Ih jTIhl colllf saLu rrnitrIlo 111. 1 bctirr.oientioiwd/ i i. Mb priI1811. I. hApfll UIll16 ru.

I A rril. 151 10 pril. UU3. U. A ril.

11.43\ hApril 8' 111111. I hUA 10 1I April. IS IIi. lfa llhO lT illb IC C. lit" I.

ill per 111111. nrlcJ. Id or 1111. 39. per 111 1 wct helfic iuM in 1 al.

stat 1tjooc11o SJ I. as. durir. 1'- dlll A 11 CN C' 101rdtlO I. 0Ja a' to dNrillintr II AI Ht last II ellW lhe clbai rCki it illt tu a a lo" J.

1 6ta be1Ii 1 be II oh I rout. nr present 7 15. taCJl I 1It d. be IIIaM rreJ Iq ltaare its NIDtI" ILIa a lee 1M tat ct sppuootneot kteIJ. at the c-- 1 eotaaaiaalllo for Pq a ial U.

Ira of lite eIicen its tie CSUCIS law q4IIt ceu the ta el Ihe 06cw III dr dMI1 II. t1t In. uwIAf UUIISrUltN1an. tn Jd mIil Nc ercn" do. tnenI rids "CJ ct alK ICt 8csr lit Or rt Emn h.

ide tt. iIa. Jw J. CIf iN. as Ie" bai aile IIVll1i aWe.

el11 111. nlad pbe Ins yeses teLCJ1Ltw. The nI uIArJ' ateucg which dalW Chief JusJcs1 XIps 8I1tdI1tOI i. 8111 tIw ptr Usa fCXXtjtIIahe the 4" Ht wlc1 the Jnattcp. doePI aarf.

Lur. mud pan Isa. Le poiwl III. reenIp tJlnr eN Oud J. joct 1M andueaa 1 to al ax.

po the Inar. eI i in lb. 7 IlYlla I Mjiclal. calrt WtcrftaII I I circ U' II. other eta hit I uotic.

several lrenf. illkd so9 K. IlWIk 11Iiu. rllan nlrlhr nn" Iwat ov in prc 015. oh cle at U.

laity toI to BOnOtCH. OrYlI 1lre it in Iodt i. brll in prnLti are jat the wfrtoe mu lIe lCUfU. Sin. 5.

I IhA OQuaIlU. UcICcJtnUMPS sIII the Sd ual UII tlf Joe itbe hifainrypistis 11 hit Utlirnf NIc" ftaI Clt uUeForcrsundet bob the luUvwitoc alottad ohbcet ctJ a 11 the lal 01 9th 1 his i 1' Ih' lOU awe SIl. 1 ray. CIIaoc tor. JIlVCcal I

def" see Nnll Ire i raU acquit hues cla oIepinitn aw be 1n It hlalr in aItepe HI 2' 1 Ib1 II I brew blAbjnlJAnicIre rWar Iraeta nwesact I SI III. In. hllfur1 II Cn dr crt fret thO' PIt Inti. toM lI. ctorJa lleidU ptCUiilr IIltich 10 I nliMn rrcOlD Un in thor Sir.

1. SlCd LE Cnmrevt Sioed 1INJjlln GAUUnt G1I. eI 11. ci c. the Imtmtr grtts IIPCft I Sola" UII d.

trioua 11 of boltl" IhaU. cm Clftll1IfD. aDd. JO eI tmDel di 10" CDI. UII bjKtnd nsauolr.

re1or 1. pr 1IulCltcloint hlhet II rtlwCour llaUer Ctirfllk IJ" ubtnincllt Otl it. an I lIWft It. ann. fIl.

IfItanclJctd rrude baI1a I hCLkutewniCdooeI JAes kainrl 1 i C1IIt JOIII be bled Ja1aun lrereforeltfttitt of. Cd of lie ann1IId i tb tbeHijhCnun th. II 111e ch bias A net. ollhe character. rind lb.

and hitawt. he ll n. L. boUt" ililllaelfDd ne In We IIIt ii lllu lID aboallo cmoraIboInalct tim rte IUnI It t1 pmai 1ua1bori tbmu AII Iail tlun the hi. td mincrn RGiWlJldoI YodlblrrCll lost.

iltOlllllM PotrHfa olllllnd tbrtohiattISaFaiLlsbr Bee. Sa" Jun. q1o lon. fd Rn. Dt.

r. 1. lJv71ftd. r. AI.

ryttilor1o 1PCIOCId' iii rol as Coarpt la1are. I At GIIIfIJI1ou the OB sad. to I uru. Louisa daughter the let. YiUiInel Mrs.

rhe of. A. ira oh Itn rtro an his nnyuch td SIOC 51 l. Bonds d. per nt.

II I Elt Bills. 301. rut. 111 CIII i 1 u1IIJTdrtot.8 tct 11 a1e iIlUod 9. Crit ItIMt VO mallrt 41 L1lOIlu nJts.

Tul. 11 UacI. to Ioy woloI1 notrb nil. tioo aw at 0 lAl An I.L. fLt.

iT Ii" Serr. Ift Ii. cr. uefor. rr II.

I lIrorJIoI an rlLa" IA 1ICe fioriill 114. i rutaaiue UIIC yrtic ill II Ire tech lc tI. uthiril kd. po. eJ 01 re.

of' agiiitiidI. OM riA f. hos.e.sabliag It Loire 1. uttdset ie 4 lu cards to a40 8oae. futrr TlJ IA OJt LOS UJ reo BAItt lIt i X.

UllIo" 11 i. 1' ra i W. a at Ii" Uc. I i. a.

1Ie. lie lit Lbtel wet well tesber ta SC nw iIIiCI h. IiaJiIIa lately ted. I 011 uJitJ an W110 MUInN 1 to wlc arc tIe at Tn. ic" tile CCOU tlsatNaIU 7 MU" my aeOW iI alMa IC-- 54 tin.

alftl. UIorvJ11 ouel. serveato. wtaIa I hreistui NIl I iaor Ire Id tat. ta otiIIul.

gvv teediaC cbg ai is Iris. n. the Ate h. 54 gthe auca1i8axue Mn 01. aM If 1 Jt PIUV4 It PO biTt 1ceir1jom1l.

niqlrcet two tx wiy a CCUb1 nd EflUUtt I cj dbpt I tlbe slnyst SUflt tri4e 4 Ot ft1u ih iCUbUI oS. 0 Ro UChU szi Ljchize oribeir a a fl tje1rmed In I 5 is th nrnexeDee wantoftne to th earructionotheainyttbe Iiieisralkd itnnp cgs 1 I tiIdministrationapro I uthe ofartidvs il ii agrre4 I i ofz ubbc emineat Fl I dLhndWth1IOSI 1hepcou1stioi NOIJ 90000 pa rbvs60000 I tb in catas I pers olpublic rgn reii ons I i I hi ou natura 1 1 is iii I 1 ud I 1 tiflialy gotiaticns PrincessAlexandriua with rezptc ng 1- bi i I- er mm wa 1 r- bo i IT I I Xu pre rreaice DAUIAflOTfiIR n1. caue i t1 be is Uas evrin AuJId tI4I4 jWT sit i1tt paiutff 1 itar re hii tipuiiil Ithie p.en a i i lIlbI utre tie riit 1 it 1u 1iC ffl ktpr ibi ruade elin rr cbrtur4 qwlcsly meetIng. IcTff I bejg rucepl cuaniUce. as IJg JJauuan tLrpnrny upon quI1II kM Leit I the em.

nIi4 l3 ahkaI anys Vroprkt migt poriliiers ltwjc rWffMly purcLasrd rr-euI detewlinl Ment. CactcU prupretunfur ad the IhI w4. 11cy I1 tiriit IWt cstin4ed pA4irtr A CuIientaI1JluiiocIsrgrd thi ir uaj 1 CrCitIIt w4y Ui Ii wicr 11 ct iLrrdtii ahairiOf h. the IIC tivhi ua lIe rt iclra which c. prpirJ Iit rDajJrdy tp.

wt iirrd us Iutf I. Ili IIIL U1e I I La ia. ItiIILcwrkil Lcri itaectKuttwcrtiI wfth theawawc. ft eui4hrth2 IC 1. t44tticphiintfs ndSirSwCILJtONILLIMr AU.

ti. i. csie uar ir Coitosras MJ74lehotie I turnpike-gate deposed II sslurId.y fl1. sit tunipke- ateiiiu ie tim decruied s14 Luin lb. w.

IIic awl iimai ji a rrnny 5iv hoe. ti I. sn s' altrIowariii I rpt1uoss ii. zprnositVeldey pvu a Ii iid nhI ear IAch died 1puund whs IL perseni caflyouseisti ihesiuiilrd1 Iu4' 7 Ime 8otrdWrWey1a IIttSr1' aa4tIpIe1 and I will el A wa ry q.e1 WSINFW LIP sc. lorwaiJy WPM 10 4 the I.

a ai I 1 snJ Lii datb aJtIeIIt 4 vsr eud. phow r4etir ItaieahvfIst sp RDIwmIT COIEItDUE3 t1emzn nrg ni. i owhicb I ykidinwlkh heMs iitnea ur- Ye a umstsaicrwhih i ra 4ers circutnsc bes tissotuetiatesincehe wojkeutiiieda" ermun styleand wehiuld I flIIfl I i wn i a the tbe 11 I xpose- 1 as P1 A th ion gJIiejIrt ud. 4 these ti. azi i I 0 a brr I I ola ul3strfbI kgusiig uioial ajiA aJ 4 i.

acu. iiEaLr whe ha I irtd hi hIr lie aojnuro a lIt bw beardtlie I uirrr fdn I 1 saa riot with uioligotyuheveruziy pubhicdsvrus1nchiiwa IheluwercLaaea t. evnmetit u1tl. country a 1 S. th thPiun 11w II It.

thdr nl Iead cted wnit I we wewoukj whh. th i aio ou1d id I ier ch I it. dtt4a 14 beifltruc I i U. irr I I cLi ty us eagra lniu an I cud ga1 no tb ted I. vt' i sf jisu a Lu I LsUCFchrmegftwuuIoIa wtthiaIwetc Iu beyiatafl Sucii.

ha to a oiuaith nothing cast a inthis hive fita Ns La yti rrcun- tic y. rrsourcr. rrevst wsrt tei. rd uinthin InpJrtaMe I. does already isdiri ii us at snw us.

thst that a nuttswim a i wh4e Li. huildiiiipoh uigr ise II woels prprl tivs il and I. te sl I St. insirluuJy prsa Christiens iy uisad uaderI4. uatsle 54 QHut71 i.

i4 t. niNa. 3 him seer ant Prnecutnr ni his bolW ttrnniIig a hi und hi wiI a nd the I. w5hn4 UI beass hwk wr I aw suspe tr4 tii will II. stoutrkrn ato.

Ktt I I. whi. 4 Iis wit. as stIed 1riworr. clx k.

toil 4 II k. 14 ii. a the je Ie iih. had hiisi bi- uij lgiwenl wag bwtInihiecuraeufUnstbakroiad sh*tliad buniel4ul lead they hatutJraI phipLs4aii1rwalch. aodmaiiyudtr ade unUuajud pruitcdr 1 inqwN whotold ioihavedwitb ha.

anddirflhiowWrvslaewassssenkrtIoub I do hi. ac- counthtg perthalitiet the sir wsa e. ku. the ppl4 14 dewrtbheiolcingitther ul piricuIarplacswhkk alIbi pros. I uiild ctLaprupeiip ajsiitbe ddaM wsntth fl hit ss to lbet ksaaI DRUR T4V LIeethn 7eIt Ll pwrpu' tousidecio t.

k4PSUuNoh abut iip ra ws ha ot irg rusitprow aro i stale wish. alnhi theihetr ItwasmhaiuibreruirctanpfaU prssenths jajwr MrWhoibrtad moire ahiusinuoffr mM. might a' h. RIuplifl njii oanwit tee as Lu sd it gruoodtua ndedthektt5tLllI. Ii IIr HJIa4Lm.dfprr- thi.

cssoiuiitbee to oat uf tCbIPUUVIi Iulakut pna6tsarwernsat 995. I3J. had s98 1 ronson ist sro a rPCrphsit eteoa were lo the 1r. staId ll as potijonoftzsth brenin waa jnde as i muiupn ii. pa ws4d niost olls a4odsd.

4 throte ahhuh nvlwvnhsoprd hetwm wati kmt 4 ii. was tikin 4 1 ha. 4 uiJe oh Irrk.ratin II. had 4.1 Ii. cone amenit wirUI rin resolutions the hiretiiomsjn ti.

IuCndgrIo fltot Ihetheatrnoed ueIa ipIicetin anpeny. I hI I pounh MrCoceiit supcw innwuhd this i'- p' sty a I Mtltiut th 1 mana me1t I cijndv ieij mt lie' I de tI. which CIW of ti. theatre. naittir of th ass it.

irpided 1 lay ss4cqiirted I nat1 ha I I ha I I al I I. ii ii a II sub I meting I yet observedthat a it. defilcmtiun tat. I wee I RIPPELL msu a hi 5 I. mill 1r.

a. ttiuou be as tt. hmght ha. teii ui-rn lii hahi5ben lb fl- ii. iubstjiri- 4 prc I.

yidrdtIl I4k tiC as 1rietoes i a a his moerd tt lht stiu tuKus Is. tint I I. by ion. ii wal entlersau toinjure iheroncern. II we nh mrrin el Aridntirotu iJ rtiCs aft hi yet iiotbe Lonly rho Impertinent attacks at.

eptit. cntwhidedhiy Pt a and aujuitly pmnNoI. ii to w1 nuit I a Ie ofths. ill a ci a ii Ii ti Tirstarrir Ie rna' in a I. a opi nu I ii.

timir hvu tarvd LI thOu tr.t t-ir'iso cuminiltre nant ii tttiirt-h day SutlsehsardIy wI1H-ta ti. 1. iia end. In uniuyiuou titters thu they mthignait. which 40 tIJL was a a.

wvh liaise a 1 Ii. ii. Iut ni toe purtswc ihia wi ia s41es almint. lr.

hlnau thu- re. ati pal nm as lid I hut v. sa wa stiiciti4nq ii rrotc 3 Irur t4 a uhl sl14 a ut1wtj. was I1a. lwre II oh 14 iucwied perna4td.tbat Drnprittnr were ou powers.

wneIteredduiIDthsU re14utksioisd ie dy hii4t rvolatsuu 3uptnpoied Sited w-M Ia icthi II3 uwitee su eetCtJ fucIosupon. AflevirIut3us. isbeetea 7i a otbe HosieCnmmozzs wthe astScssiun wtbe heurdi dryc1titge3othc listbas ir tinny a lbs lbs tartssa1 ce. 3 8 a TE5q to defray Iherapewie mideipnsesoh iheCourt thu judicial bnane oh T9b I. iflua ntL oUthehumedepartnsrntinJn1514.

8311 I ItJIOL. a on51 hi or Tots. aid mdcii iuards Iuc ucrs ho tort yeJts and tale lb. diurisracrs lyaha4anasrdeottbeLlandFnsGaaria. i Iiui liii.

911Trsigatiij Ujcui-cuuuteoh useLidiie LieJan5 ha. is- waitc. Lilaudtot. a ser1Ci q. tUO0 3tBjt6 SamueIThoriitnnEuifnreapnseottLe Bityd asylum 04 towtrd aherconsktioiis rehiefut ishielof retvre Eq hiiniIepartnsent tI0 IrAlirahant seitUn ui Ealnd suhen or undunibis I rry iracethe esteaurdisusryeseiesatttndingtbe t4hui louts 4 vrfecaaodstanapi the Cotirtot in.

II. PS 4 9 t1 Ttal 0 apuint. roes Londuntothtpust 50 C6O5 Geor rtalettes. lion 3 ittsc au I pustoLcecilsrgesendslaetLs I Fvrheusc uleopsiw- to othit i-es. I iso with a u-es 39 3 t4d her- abnoy 4.

6. COUItTOF requi ng. as are thty 1. Ii ananq GreatSesh. holding loidItg tlnJrrsiSeat they a prt de or iii st Pir.

with a Iug ttiioe mr star eaI persona Vgh the. or oitiers to. requim is is Viuv ricrlr4 toe the aerme tivryvsrsli tMnIaIIi hluvic th sub. ad tie cnsi P501w Apri itt I oh April. 1thL i6 From 51' April Silt April.

124 10 ro 5ibAprittI8LS 1S1IL 1 I 1 end 1. we lat a Itoh amtct pyi 4 10 Kn whichfsU theHosseo 4 th aiwsol ilieCkrkofthe uthnlConal. II sol4ecs It eiaotumelttLbl sne t' cI tidiet aesow 15 181 d. t. I Las.

dsrm wa ciiIari reLting nature sad CLiefJsithceiio whom Ii' thecela has tismemoriahly his" IsSely Ces14miOmIPiUr4 hiqaleingmlotheheesclhe qsihty iu etsyitig c.t clrits. the qsvu4b7 I bIsJest i ai eeg :4 stile psJJ spied neJohu. and appontans vewi ieee wLri vesiw-cth-Jy lr1kdl2s CS ttbf itsike afihi. CtSKIM flwoLeaohoikohtseEtse dmIeehheCtoh ksoisflrsch IZVIsIbSWo Juticraaanr eur SNSeISdfM ad hsemIniwats c. lot ibe Cissmi ho nestined.

1) eel reevs this sc eseeae1 years I. 3 bU pott tigt the miss salaty it aasics the BhIrs.utofsh.p.bhc Isthe sva 1. zvansd the Ut lii. as reduced taausmwt in nI actual kiol So about pet m' which is a at eees tie ain. ouniii I the I as 1 of between prasatuiL aw tt3sltmsib eTy theCourta hi.

t. the he wee Par4iupentis itated a eM as no account the srsnup he a a lv ii au's the tsosmesI us ctd 30 1St. uwlkh the u. phrlpplled Se Ly SOC. WUIUsI3tastatethe it I dthe Rrgi char I.

August t. otiaa. Starast Ii. a7ins II. Iii hi out pita el pactel il.

an ia by without talunmitahie hi lines Ida 7lajeiJy dii. 1L Casrtaeqak upun aside'- so IUSPIP oh Colonel iar tb esteaoediiiy Ii ChielfoearrmhaiunotLeseaatrocUwykniaardrd srm-dJ 3GRLFFITIIC4iiadrsiJtwl. ROBfLEW1SJudguAdvGen. MNIG1tTIGAU1iraLG4a. dCvswmaasdnin Chkfhduiiposedwider e.

11 itIispeu. be mnatr onajiiiry tothecharacir. wt auoee I. i aobw- so a tIatiipiiitjniio iutheopinui otbu tb duiylm1usesluuntlie. loadupi i lb.

ataidJumig. hiManc case. tieschargeeehLjted I trltuieni the resuet Jane' ol rejoin tr inthal I ttbe fourdurges thecousl oiafs jond tt. Beilevapheut hisconrIhaastsonaddrtss cuotramict h1 LtA I hodiamushin we Mate intend avon will ee ooWednrsdayreening I II II 0115011. MetiikyporLYuckohshron On Thvmday.

Eiq. to Sopkhietdest moo 51rJuseph Leachnn of Aheniiaohry inlicItur to obey eta in hland in theOth oiolui AtCothesterunsbe 1instohadecflncAsy ebltfday. PKtCEuIShuCK. 3 1 SperCroihtretibst YLtpr 7O I pin sot per4ent. avyfl5 bps 1 liriiUL vol Chnuicia LOVOflltliXs1iTITbtY.

4minatter4JAFtrrnoo llminafler4 1TOCLlCOPRINTEItS Th I IriaieCoauset. irCUTACF byiwdnrofr to. LrttIwiibpuu.s-.wuiattMJummrf. eatemiveCR1TiU aKot LlAjORiWArabMILL and tie tuusoty 4 Serrey ii mprwUi asia a u-assgpwajks at hrte iwo isi ytuiUo ihii awmlsSr. roomadryig lotte at or Is.

no w-t and oilier mateatle bsoldMs at kr wre-tiet uiicCkIMV4-th s4psed for CCII mo at tssiie. Meiriwat be arnawdation tplJp jnt 3aed. Iiniiocr. 33 1ow3asheapsid a uia be sees. Pt LonDiulr.rsaIxant-aN bows.

stesates an euStaal the sfw hI to. ruSOiet acme' ddte CnckiIet. lIeu 1 wesidlandswelt wft tt esetesoa 1 a tseship 0 dreiutg thee Is cuhlisty with ft es. roii. and ses tan upialaty sod hess be my eeeemuve PtedstISe sAdJUOS witcI 1' 1.

atlligk club. ler. Ean-atanae ni pt a 0 retduce at et teCsainsSiaZe tretby Riat by IomeLeerTa4uoI. 4 1 a tIe ri. S.

aa Meaa 54 Curt. tiant4hin. py. tyinundc wb 1 sit pitirtv4 pacUartT den i who ase fj4of spelt. the riSOil ren leudta tram 17 St A pct I Iau- hem.

11 lStieu. sod pes4 psttAslre mey Iq ph14an4 sptcUan iILIAMr IflIbni hi.

The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

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Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.