How Long Does It Take to Open a Bank Account? (2024)

How Long Does It Take to Open a Bank Account? (1)

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Opening a bank account, be it a savings, checking or investment account, is a fundamental part of managing your finances. The process and time it takes to open an account can differ depending on the bank and the type of account you choose. Understanding the typical timeframe and necessary steps can help streamline this essential financial task. Keep reading to discover what’s involved in opening a bank account and how you can prepare for it.

How Long Does It Take to Open a Bank Account?

The timeframe for opening a bank account varies and is influenced by several factors, yet it’s typically a swift process thanks to modern online banking advancements. Generally, it can range from a few hours to a single day to complete the entire procedure.

Factors like the type of account being opened, the bank’s specific procedures and the completeness of your application can affect this duration. For instance, more complex accounts such as investment or business accounts might require additional verification steps, potentially extending the process slightly.

Online Account Opening Process

Many banks offer the option to open an account online, which is usually a quick and efficient process. Completing an online application typically takes just a few minutes, as long as you have all the required information and documents at hand. Once submitted, the account is often operational within one business day, assuming there are no complications with your application.

In-Person Account Opening

For those who prefer a more traditional approach, opening an account in person, such as at a Wells Fargo or Fifth Third branch, might take slightly longer. The process involves providing identification, completing paperwork and potentially answering additional questions. While the account can often be opened on the same day, it’s prudent to allow some additional time for any unforeseen verification or documentation needs.

Required Documentation

The speed of opening your account also depends on having the right documentation ready. This typically includes identification — like a driver’s license or passport, proof of address and sometimes additional paperwork. Being prepared with these documents can significantly speed up the account opening process, whether online or in person.

Account Verification Time

Some banks may require extra time to verify your information, especially for more complex account types like high-yield savings or CD accounts. This step is crucial for ensuring security and regulatory compliance and can add a little time to the account opening process.

Good To Know

After opening a checking account, there is usually an additional wait to receive your debit card and checkbook. While your account may be ready for online or mobile banking immediately, physical items like cards and checks are typically mailed, which could take a week or two.

Final Take

Overall, opening a bank account can be a quick and straightforward process, particularly with online banking options. The exact duration varies based on the bank and the type of account you’re opening. Preparing your documentation and understanding each step can streamline the process, making your experience with banks efficient and hassle-free.


Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about opening a bank account.

  • How much time does it take to open a bank account?
    • The time it takes to open a bank account can vary. Online applications can be completed in a few minutes, and the account might be operational within a business day. In-person account openings at a bank branch may take slightly longer, especially if additional verification or documentation is required.
  • How quickly can I open a bank account?
    • You can often open a bank account very quickly, especially online. With all the necessary documents ready, an online application can be processed within minutes, and the account is usually active within one business day. In-person openings might take a bit longer but can often be completed the same day.
  • How long does it take to open up a checking account at a bank?
    • Opening a checking account at a bank can be a swift process. Online applications are usually processed quickly, and the account can be active within a business day. If you're opening an account in person, the process can take longer, but it's often possible to get the account opened on the same day.
  • Can I open a bank account in one day?
    • Yes, it is possible to open a bank account in one day, particularly if you choose to do so online. Many banks offer quick processing for online applications, allowing your account to be set up and ready to use within a single business day. Even with in-person applications, many banks can open an account the same day, provided all necessary documents are in order.

A Better Way to Bank

Editor's note: This article was produced via automated technology and then fine-tuned and verified for accuracy by a member of GOBankingRates' editorial team.

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