Building sold... but bank stays - June 2021 (2024)

Edition 482, June 2021Building sold...but bank staysWhen the yellow Ray White auction in the design of the building proposed for bidders, auctioneer Phillip Lee said thatnotice went up outside of the local the bank, it would not expend funds on the current lease ran until October 2025,Community Bank in late April, there building construction. The building was that Council rates were $7200, and thatwas concern amongst some residents subsequently purpose-built by a local the CPI-indexed rental paid by the bankthat the popular and very successful investor with the bank as tenant. was $38,000pa.local business was shutting down. Sold Bidding opened at $700,000 with theThe quick response from the bank was On 14 November 2015, some five years property declared ‘on the market’ at“we’re not going anywhere!” after the August 2010 opening of the $840,000. The winning bid by a young bank, the building owner decided to sell Ballarat businessman was $912,000. When the Bendigo the property and an on-site auction was Community Bank Manager Randall Community Bank conducted. The building was sold at the Dreger who watched the sale, wandered was in the planning auction by real estate company Ray White back inside saying “it’s now back to stages in the to a Ballarat investor Stephen Densley business as usual for us!” 2008-2010 period, the Bank Board for the sum of $621,000. made the decision Above: Auctioneer Phillip Lee knocks down the The building only was put up for auction bank building for $912,000. that while it would for a second time on 21 May With a mixed play a major role Left: The winning bidder. crowd of curious locals and two serious

L O C A L N E W SBoost for visitor numbersGuide showcases villageOver forty people from local groups, requirement for businesses and attractions and another 2500 with the Buninyongbusinesses, visitor centres and to pay for their listing in the guides. Visitor Centre for distribution to personsCouncil were at the Red Door Pizzeria interested in coming to, staying at or The current 2021 guide has been fundedin early May to celebrate the launch enquiring about Buninyong. Multiple from a grant from Regional Tourismof the fourth edition of the Buninyong copies have also been left with the obtained by the Buninyong BusinessVisitor Guide. accommodation providers listed in the Network (BBN) which sponsored the launch guide, and a quantity has been placed atThe 2021 edition of the 32 page guide on 5 May along with the BDCA. the Mercure Resort on Geelong Road, as itwas originally set for publication in President of the BBN Simon Coghlan is known that many visitors there take tripsMarch 2020. But the onset of the Covid said that the guide “captured much of what to Buninyong.pandemic and its impact on local business was interesting about Buninyong. It showsand ‘visitor-related’ operations and Local ‘hospitality’ businesses also have that there is plenty for visitors to see andactivities meant that the printing of the copies. Residents can obtain a free copy do in the village and nearby district.”guide was held over until 2021. by calling in at the Visitor Centre in the Old Out there Library.In the context of changed opening hours Some 1500 copies of the guide haveand the ceasing of some businesses At the launch of the Buninyong Visitor Guide been placed with the Ballarat Visitor were (L to R) Gayle Adams (BDCA), Cr Benentirely, considerable rewriting of Centre located at the Ballarat Town Hall, Taylor, Simon Coghlan (BBN) and Katrine Taylor.the detail contained in the guidewas needed. For example, four localaccommodation providers listed in theprevious edition have now ceased tooperate.Not happyThe start of the publication of theBuninyong Visitor Guide in 2012 wasan initiative of the Buninyong & DistrictCommunity Association (BDCA). It hadbeen unhappy with the sparse coveragethen given to Buninyong in the generalBallarat tourist publications. A 20 pageguide was produced by Ballarat Tourismbut only after local businesses agreed topay $100 each for inclusion.But then the BDCA was successful inobtaining grants for full funding of a 28page guide in 2014 and a 32 page fullcolour guide in 2016. There was then no2 Buninyong & District Community News Edition 482, June 2021

L O C A L N E W SFunding help for schoolsfrom Community BankOf the several community projects got that support was incredible, as wellrecently assisted by the Buninyong as reducing the stress and pressure atCommunity Bank’s community home. It also means we have a new rangeinvestment funding, one was for the of devices to support in-class learning nowMeredith Primary School during the we’re all back on site.”Covid pandemic when the number of Social helpavailable mobile devices for pupils’ The Community Bank also has a three-yearhome-schooling was stretched to the arrangement with the Buninyong Bowlinglimit. Club that has facilitated the purchase ofA bank grant ensured that all families had new bowls sets and equipment for holdingadequate notebooks and devices as home social events. This includes the hugelyschooling became the new norm. Most supported Corporate Cup with 26 teamsimportantly, the local students weren’t participating for six weeks over summer.disadvantaged as the rest of the state The Club also used Community Investmentcontinued learning. funding to help run a four week coachingSchool Principal Steven Trotter said program with the Buninyong Primary“This had a significant impact on our School. Experienced members and culmination of the program resulted in acommunity. The ability to guarantee that coaches taught students the fundamentals school team competing in the regionalall of our families that needed support, of both lawn and indoor bowls. The school competition run by Bowls Victoria. Highway crossing works NOW KIDS TO BE SAFER Buninyong students and pedestrians will be safer thanks to road safety improvements just completed at the school crossing at the intersection of Cornish Street and the Midland Highway. Buninyong residents had expressed concern about drivers speeding thorough the Buninyong Primary School crossing precinct along the Midland Highway. The school crossing, which is at the base of a steep decline, is not very prominent, particularly for motorists coming down the hill into Buninyong. The $120,000 project will install kerb outstands at the school crossing. These will extend further into the road pavement to narrow the road and make it more apparent to motorists that they are approaching a low-speed pedestrian area. These works are being delivered through the jointly State- and Federally-funded $97.2 million Targeted Road Safety Package, to support economic recovery in Victoria while improving road safety. Buninyong Primary School Principal Bernie Conlan inspects the start of the crossing upgrade with Michaela Settle MP.Edition 482, June 2021 Buninyong & District Community News 3

L OO P C I NA I L O N N E W S Twelve monthsa village eyesore This publication is a community project of the Buninyong & DistrictSouth Ward Councillors called on to act Community Association (BDCA) supported by the Buninyong poles and wires of the Community Bank. street vines there, a Published monthly healthy crop of weeds, and Editor: Barry Fitzgerald growing piles of rubbish Design: Sian Blohm, Design Studio certainly does nothing to Ballarat impress locals or visitors. Advertising: Gayle Adams Pedestrians have to walk Reporters: Cassandra Carland, on the very edge of the Ray Sullivan, Russell Luckock, Rita highway to get around it. Russell All contributions (copy, letters, Not only was this mess photographs or advertising) must be there in February for the submitted before the twelfth of each month to buninyongnews@gmail. internationally-televised cycle com. Enquiries to 5341 2844. race, it’s still there now at Copy should not exceed 400 words and a time when the recently- a maximum of two photographs per launched Buninyong Visitor item may be submitted. Material may Guide is inviting tourists to be edited because of space, style, or clarity, or for legal reasons. visit this historic village. The name and address of the person The Eagle Hotel (1858) is submitting any material must be one of the village’s oldest provided (address not for publication). buildings, and is one of The Community News reserves the the few classified by the right not to publish material considered to be offensive or inappropriate or not National Trust. The columns deemed to have community interest or and various carved heads relevance. on the building’s façade are The views expressed or information quite unique. provided in this publication are notTwelve months ago, on 5 June 2020, necessarily those of the Buninyong anda stalled CDC/PTV bus rolled down Prompted by recurring enquiries from District Community Association or of thethe Warrenheip Street incline from the readers and locals as to ‘what’s happening Buninyong Community Bank, including any officers, members, agents orroundabout, and smashed into parked with the old Eagle Hotel?’ The News, the street vines and the timber recently spoke at length to a Council Printed by Baxter and Stubbs, Ballarat.posts supporting the veranda of the officer who at least changed his initialold Eagle Hotel. response, the usual “speak to Council’s Available online in full colour at: Media department” (a frustrating track would have been clear cut. Even we’ve been down before), and agreed to Member of the Communitythe most hard-nosed insurance company take our phone call. Newspapers Association of Victoriawhich covered the city’s bus fleet wouldhave rolled over pretty quickly. The Powerdamage done to the veranda certainly Council does have the power to prosecute Council agreement may be imminent aboutdidn’t necessitate engaging world where restoration action is not to be seen the style of veranda, apparently sensitiveclass architects, draftsmen or major within a reasonable time. In this case, it to the original design, that has beenconstruction companies. seems, Council seems reluctant to take agreed upon to replace the present one. such action because of the “complexQuestions But, as suggested to the Council officer, number of planning and building permitsBut despite numerous calls to Council by required.” Heritage bodies also seem to if some bus or truck knocked had downcommunity members enquiring as to what be in the mix. the veranda of the historic Unicorn Hotelis happening, the eyesore at the heart of on Sturt Street adjoining the Town Hall, orthe Buninyong village remains just that – South Ward Councillors are surely aware the veranda of Craig’s Hotel, it’s a livingan eyesore. of this eyesore. Ben Taylor certainly is certainty that it would have been speedily and, alerted to the community backlash,That mess of steel props, red plastic restored. But then again, there are those has recently reported that owner/heritage/mesh, a sagging veranda deck, smashed smashed railway gates!!!4 Buninyong & District Community News Edition 482, June 2021

L O C A L N E W S LAST MONTH’S News article about the retirement village idea floated by Vin Fay sure has stirred some interest already. A couple of local heavy-hitters have come on board to get some early action on the possibility of siting such a village on the old soccer field up behind the Men’s Shed. MANY GOLFERS thought that a tropical deluge would have been needed to fill that huge new 20 ML dam recently completed at the golf course. It is now almost full after the recent rains.Catrina, Bill, Amy with Willow, Ann and Angus Pryor on the porch at Galwiji, Scotsburn for the 98th The grass seed/wood fibre mix sprayedYear celebration. on the banks has resulted in a good Family’s 98 years at coverage of grass, and the-turf on the challenging new tee at the 16th hole isScotsburn homestead looking good. Now for the fountain!The Galwiji homestead at Scotsburn moved from Canberra to run their half of THE BATTLE over the Mt Buninyonghas been in Buninyong resident Bill the farm and its Merinos, before becoming barrels took up four full days at VCATPryor’s family for 98 years. This heavily involved in the establishment recently. Supporting the solicitor whowas recently celebrated by four of Ballarat University (now Federation appeared for the City of Ballarat weregenerations of the family. University) with Bill as the inaugural Deputy local objectors including the owners Chancellor and Professor GeoffreyBill’s father William and his brother of three neighbouring properties Blainey as Chancellor.Alfred purchased the property in 1923 together with two expert witnesses,and operated a sawmill there for their Farm stay and Community Association and thebusiness as building suppliers, after Meanwhile, Bill and Ann’s sons, Steve Historical Society representatives. Allearlier generations had emigrated from and Rick, established sugar gum were at the Zoom screens for about sixCornwall. The property increased in size plantations on the property while another hours each day. The project Applicantto 1500 acres and ran Merino sheep son, Malcolm ran a farm-stay business had a team of a barrister, supportingand Hereford cattle under the guidance from his Melbourne work-place with local solicitors and expert witnesses. Nowof Bill’s uncle Alfred since William was help from Bill and Ann until they moved yet another hearing day has been set,in municipal affairs as Town Clerk in into Buninyong. together with a site visit by the twoBallarat East and later at Horsham. VCAT members hearing the case. While the farmland has now been sold,Holidays the homestead and surrounds are nowBill and his brothers loved their school occupied by their youngest son Angusholidays at Galwiji helping on the farm, and his wife Catrina who relinquished SOME RUMBLES around town aboutplus catching rabbits for their skins and their Sydney jobs during Covid’s work- some coming changes to a favouritestripping wattle bark for the tanneries from-home movement. village coffee/eating spot, a majorbefore they went to university. Bill local main street business, and also Their daughter Amy, a student in about some rebuilding works at theheaded to Sydney to study veterinary Melbourne, often visits Galwiji while, while Gordon and Jim did daughter Willow – the fourth generationmedicine and Allan civil engineering in and two years old – may well form anMelbourne. attachment to this unique propertyIn 1986 Bill retired from his academic that has captivated the Pryor family forcareer as Veterinary Professor and almost a century.Assistant Director, Bureau Animal Health. – Russell LuckockWith his linguist/teacher wife Ann, theyEdition 482, June 2021 Buninyong & District Community News 5

L O C A L N E W SSushi servedwith a smileIn late April the much-anticipated They realised,opening of Buninyong’s new sushi however, that thererestaurant, adjacent to the Post were very few sushiOffice in Warrenheip Street, quietly shops in Ballarat, sohappened. The business known as another move wasKawa Sushi is owned and operated planned. Both shopsby husband and wife team Annie in Melbourne wereand Leon Chen. sold and the shop in Ballarat was openedThe opening here had been delayed due to in 2011. Leon doesthe impact of Covid restrictions on the sale most of the cookingof their former shop, the popular Sushi whilst Annie as sheNoodle in Mair Street, Ballarat. Ten years says, is “front ofafter they opened that business, Annie and house and helper!”Leon found that there wasn’t a sushi shopin Buninyong and decided to sell Sushi They have twoNoodle and relocate here. children, Jacky, who is 20 and nowEarly start at University andWhile they still live in Ballarat, the Eric, 17, who is incommute to Buninyong is short, which is Year 12.just as well, as the shop opens its doors at8.00am during the week. Sister Unfortunately,Both Annie and Leon were born in China neither child iswhere Leon gained much experience interested inworking in the International Hotel in following in theirShenzhen (on the China-Hong Kong border) parents’ footsteps and keeping the shop is attractive, both with the décorfrom 1989 until 1992. He then moved to business in the family. However, Annie’s and the appetising smells which greet youthe western Pacific area to work in the sister, Bonnie still runs and owns a sushi on entering.Makati Hotel in Palau. Later he came to shop in Sturt Street. Business so far haslive in Melbourne. Annie and Leon are very welcoming, so been good and Annie has been pleased to go along and support this exciting newHe was introduced to Annie by friends and see many Buninyong residents who used venture in Warrenheip Street’s boomingthey married in 1995. They opened their to patronise their shop in Ballarat. Happily hospitality strip.first sushi shop together in the Bourke they now don’t have as far to travel!Street Mall in 1998 and a second shop in Kawa Sushi (5301 3016) is open from The shop offers an extensive takeawayLonsdale Street in 1999. They ran the two 8.00am to 5.00pm on weekdays and on menu as well as having a dine-in area.shops together, involving long hours of Saturdays between 10.00am and 3.00pm. Annie and Leon are happy to cater forhard work. special events and house parties. The – Rita Russell6 Buninyong & District Community News Edition 482, June 2021

L O C A L N E W SSean a big hit withProbus members“The best one yet” was the The police do sometimes have callsassessment of one Buninyong Probus complaining that “My child refuses to goClub member after the informative to sleep and so I told him I am goingand, at times, humorous talk recently to call the police!!” That generatedgiven to the club by Senior Constable more laughter. Or, “I can’t stop mySean Almeida from Buninyong Police. neighbour’s dog from barking.” Well, neither can the police. TheySean came to Australia as a six year old, can’t stop neighbours arguingand considers that as a police officer, he loudly either, he said.has the best possible job. He has had topull his gun out only twice, had to shoot He asked persons with CCTVsomeone with his Taser once, but has had cameras on their properties toto spray people from time to time. check them regularly and report anything unusual. That might help theUnlocked police a great deal. One elderly residentWhile there is crime in Buninyong S/C who walks her dog in the early morningAlmeida says it is minimal. There is saw something suspicious which she`opportunistic crime’ where teenagers or mentioned to the police in confidence.young adults needing money to fuel their The arrest of a wanted person wasdrug habits will take the opportunity to the result.enter unlocked properties.He said that “even if you are on a ten acre Four here The Buninyong police contingent Playgroup newsproperty, lock your doors when you go out consisting of one Sergeant and threeand don’t leave your laptop or wallet in an operational members covers a large areaunlocked car. A photograph on Gumtree which, apart from Buninyong, also includes The Buninyong Communityor something similar, which identifies a Navigators, Mt Clear and Mt Helen. Playgroup has been running forparticular property when advertising an over 30 years.article for sale, can lead to a theft.” However, as part of the Victorian Police Force they can be sent to other areas if Its goal is to create a welcomingHe also warned members to be careful of necessary. In response to a complaint that community that connects families ofcomputer messages. “Don’t automatically `they are never there’ Sean’s replied that young children. The bonds that form atgive out your phone number or your they have never caught a crook by sitting playgroup for both parents and childrenname .Your personal information is very in the police station. They do try to roster run for many years after they leave.important to a third party. Strangely, their staff to cover the area. Ringing 5341 Playgroup leader Belinda Wardlethe Buninyong Police Station actually 3431 diverts to mobile 1800 333 000. It advises that the group is on Facebook,had a call from one of these scams,” he will be answered. Instagram and Twitter, and can berecounted. This caused much laughterfrom the Probus members. – Cassandra Carland contacted through those platforms.Edition 482, June 2021 Buninyong & District Community News 7

L O C A L N E W SCommunity garden upgradeGreen light from CouncilWhile much of the current major around the garden, plus the installation Royal Park development to include aproject works going on at Royal Park of seats and some picnic table sets. community facility.have largely focused on soccer, Sue Nunn, Chair of Buninyong City of Ballarat will be delivering thefinalised plans for an upgrade to the Sustainability said that “it’s exciting initial upgrades over the next fewpublic and community garden space to see the plans get finalised and City months. Enquiries regarding Royal Parkhave recently been agreed to. of Ballarat allocate funding for some management should be made to City ofThe City of Ballarat is providing of those important infrastructure Ballarat,$50,000 of investment from its components. It is great to see this part People interested in being part ofCommunity Infrastructure Program to of the overall transformation begin to this exciting new community space –fund some initial works at the public take shape.” promoting sustainable living in your towngarden space. These works include the With the existing community hall being – should contact Buninyong Sustainabilityinstallation of ranch style fencing at the deemed ‘unfit for use’, Buninyong of the garden on Hedrick Street, Sustainability will also be advocatinginstallation of a skillion shelter, granitic – Pete Appleton for the development of Stage II of thesand paths providing improved access Executive Manager Engaged Communities Call for Town Hall interest Due to the retirement of a long- serving member, the Buninyong Town Hall Community Asset Committee is seeking one new member to join the Committee, to assist with the maintenance and running of the Buninyong Town Hall. Priority will be given to individuals who are regular users of the hall and who have experience with community groups and volunteering. Please send expressions of interest to Miranda Donald on mirandadonald@ Expressions of interest close on 1 July 2021.8 Buninyong & District Community News Edition 482, June 2021

L OA N C Z A C L N D E A W Y S In overcast conditions, with attendee numbers restricted, the need to register, and social distancing requirements in place, a crowd estimated at “around 900”, close to the permitted cap of 1000 people, attended the Anzac ceremonies at Buninyong RSL Park on the morning of 25 April. RSL President Ron Fleming read the ANZAC requiem and gave an introductory address. The guest speaker was WO2 Paul Micallef of the Ballarat-based 8/7 Battalion of the Royal Victorian Regiment. The catafalque party consisted of six members of the 300 Australian Cadet Unit. Over thirty community groups and individuals laid wreaths at the cenotaph. A feature of the ceremony was the dual flyover of light aircraft. Local pilot Tony Coxall and pilots from the Lethbridge Aero Club were at the controls. Tony said that he hoped that a flyover would be incorporated into future district Anzac Day ceremonies. A wreath was laid on behalf of the Mount Clear Primary School Bill Akell chats with guest speaker Warrant Officer Paul by school leaders (L to R) Bella Dwyer,11, Frazer Macphail, 11 Micallef before the ceremony. and Dekotah Finley,11. A view of the crowd of some 900 at the Buninyong service.Edition 482, June 2021 Buninyong & District Community News 9

L OA N C Z A C L N D E A W Y SFaces of Anzac DayOld Vic on deckVic Bradley, aged 97, has lost countof the number of Anzac ceremonieshe has attended. The World WarII veteran recently was awarded acommemorative medal and certificatefrom Catherine King MHR on the 75thanniversary of the end of that war.Golf club wreathLocal businessman and Vietnamveteran Ron Delaland arrives at theceremony with a wreath later laid atthe Cenotaph on behalf of membersof the Buninyong Golf Club of whichhe is the President.Keeping us safeTwo police officers from theBuninyong Station, Sen Const SeanAlmeida and Acting Sergeant TraceyAtkins were dressed in their formaluniforms at the ceremony. Theyreported no problems with crowd limitand social distancing regulations.Even in deathAnzac Day was even marked at theBuninyong Cemetery where relativeshad draped an Australian flag over thegrave of World War II veteran GeorgeProlongeau who died in late August atthe age of 103 years.10 Buninyong & District Community News Edition 482, June 2021
L OA N C Z A C L N D E A W Y S In the early afternoon, the Buninyong RSL also organised the first Anzac day service “in living memory” at the newly-completed Cambrian Hill Avenue of Honour which was officially opened in December 2020. Ron Fleming welcomed some 50 attendees, many of whom were related to the service men and women from the district who served in World War I or World War II, each of whom is now commemorated with a plaque in the avenue of 56 oak trees located along Glassons Road, Cambrian Hill. A brief reflection on some of the local soldiers who were killed in World War I was delivered by Barry Fitzgerald who was a member of the ‘avenue-completion’ team during 2020. Just as the Last Post was sounding out, there was a flyover of three light aircraft which surprised and excited those present. Cambrian Hill identities John Bedggood and Yvonne Beaston at RSL Presiden Ron Flemingt lays a wreath at the Cambrian Hill the ceremony there. memorial. Relatives of John (Jack) Atkinson who was killed in action in Belgium in 1917, (L to R) Colin Wills, Colquette Wills, Jamie Walker, Ryan Walker and Ashlyn Walker, chat with Ron Fleming after the ceremony.Edition 482, June 2021 Buninyong & District Community News 11
L OA N C Z A C L N D E A W Y S Brian and Dru Parker. Brian wore-his father’s army dog tags around his neck. Two of the three ‘flyover’ planes at the Cambrian Hill service. They were piloted by Tony Coxall and others from the Barry Fitzgerald gave a reflection on four of the soldiers killed Lethbridge Aero Club. in action in World War I. ...and at scotsburn A unique Anzac Day tribute on the Midland Highway at Scotsburn was prepared by Andy Burns who hung a three- metre banner and an Aussie flag at half-mast from two 30m cranes on his property.12 Buninyong & District Community News Edition 482, June 2021
L O C A L N E W S Follow us to win! We’ve ramped up our socials sharing fabulous everyday stories from our Community Investment program. Follow us for community news and inspiring impact stories featuring your clubs, groups and organisations. Jump on board now by following our social pages and go into the draw to WIN one of FOUR $250 Mastercard Gift Cards which we’d love to you spend locally in Buninyong. To enter simply follow us on Facebook and Instagram before 13 June 2021. @communitybankbuninyonganddistrict @communitybankbuninyong Community Bank • Buninyong Open to VIC residents 13yrs+ only. Ends 11:59 pm AEST 13/6/21. Max 1 entry per person via each of Instagram & Facebook. Draw at Buninyong & District Financial Services Limited, 18 Doveton Street North, Ballarat VIC 3350, Australia at 04:00 pm AEST on 15/6/21. T&Cs apply, see Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 237879 (A1612314-1612309) (05/21) FSA/DET0020-01 Kinder teachers help our kids dream big. The Victorian Government is rolling out Three-Year-Old Kinder. And that means 6,000 new teaching jobs across our state. To find out what it means for a career in early childhood - including financial support - visit: 482, June 2021 Buninyong & District Community News 13
L O C A L N E W SCold weather but LETTER TO THE EDITORhot price for woodWith wintry weather already here, Another road danger spotBuninyong Golf Club stalwart TrevorMcCann is again in action cuttingand delivering dry firewood to district Following the Opinion articlehomes at bargain prices. in May’s edition of The News, IThe firewood, cut into short lengths, is would like to draw attention to mysourced from the dry trees that are damaged struggle to have the turning arrowsor blown over around the course each year. re-painted at the intersection of Midland Highway and Moss Avenue.This will be the fourth year that Trevorhas undertaken this project which, to My first contact was with the City ofdate, has raised some $7000 for club Ballarat, on 27 October 2020. I feltprojects. Some of the funds are used for need to make this request after athe extensive native and floral garden ‘repeat’ customers around the village. friend who was driving his boys toplantings that Trevor and a couple of Orders can be placed by phoning the golf school had a very narrow escape fromhelpers have established around the club on 5341 3217. a serious accident.course over recent years. He also has a Major work on this section of the The Club has a policy of leaving manyprogram of tree plantings under way. Midland Highway from the golf club significant dead trees that do not pose aThe cost of the dry wood is $90 pcm plus danger to allow birds to nest in them. Two to the cemetery is urgently required.$10 delivery charge. The popular order of these large trees can be seen adjacent This has been quite long enough forof two cubic metres delivered is $190. to the sixth and the eighteenth green near this dangerous section to be fixed.Trevor said that he now has quite a few the clubhouse. There is plenty of room on road side The old and the new verges and, thank goodness, no trees to be removed. The entrances to the cemetery has been discussed for many years. Why no action? The newest member at the Men’s said he came here to be closer to Shed is Ross Helman who joined daughter, Sally, who lives in Fisken When you drive on the Midland Highway the group after recently moving to Street, and because of Buninyong’s from Buninyong to Scotsburn or Buninyong from Shepparton. Ross “great community lifestyle.” Clarendon there are many designated turn off lanes to “single” private When The News visited the shed recently, properties. The un-made road, Granny Ross was working to restore the cast White’s Lane also has one, but does iron ends of a park bench together with not service the number of people for Russell Harrison. the houses or school in Moss Avenue Four generations of the Harrison family or the users of the cemetery. have lived in Buninyong. Russell is the To you and your team thank you for brother of News advertiser and well- your GREAT work. known funeral director Brian Harrison. Christine Jamison-Jones Ross Helman (right) teams up with Russell Harrison on a Men’s Shed project. Scotchmans Lead Love Buninyong? BUNINYONG Support our BUSINESS NETWORK “Bringing Business to Buninyong” local businesses buninyongbusinessnetwork@gmail.com14 Buninyong & District Community News Edition 482, June 2021
L O C A L N E W S Drama at the altar Every once in a while The Courier produces a glossy magazine called Ballarat Weddings. The most recent edition included detailed coverage of the wedding of a Buninyong couple, Greg and Kylie Cameron. Each is a nurseOnly two to go at the Ballarat Health Services.Last year The News carried an articleon the project to commemorate the The wedding had its fair75th Anniversary of the Buninyong share of drama. TheRSL. This involved compiling a wedding was set forphotographic record of the 25 past Saturday February 13 at Stand present Presidents of the RSL. Anne’s Winery, Myrniong. But a State-wide pandemicThrough community assistance and other shut-down from midnight onresources, Club Historian Bill Akell has 12 February meant that a rehearsal on invitees, sixty were able to make a rushmanaged to obtain 23 photographs but the Friday became the real ceremony, trip to the wedding.requires the final two. The photographs with Kylie rushing out Facebookrequired are of the following. Unfortunately, the father of the bride who messages to guests. Out of 70 original was travelling from Queensland, couldAndrew WYLIE. Andrew was a farmer Safety seats not make the revised schedule. But hefrom Durham Lead. His next-of-kin (NOK) recorded a moving speech shared with from Masonswas his mother Mrs Joanna Wylie. Andrew guests on their iPhones.enlisted in the Australian Army on 29September 1916 and served in the 24thBattalion AIF. He returned to Australia on 1 Local Sturt Buninyong Lodge through its Masonic Social Committee, Walk track cashNovember 1917.Andrew was President of and supported by the Freemasons The Goldfields Track which spansthe Buninyong RSL in the period 1950-52. Foundation, provided $4000 to 210 km from Mount Buninyong Eureka Mums for the purchase of one to Bendigo has received a majorArthur KELLY. Arthur was born in Clunes funding boost of $1.9 million fromon 5 August 1908. His NOK was D. Kelly. hundred infant car seats. the State Government.Arthur enlisted in the Australian Army on Eureka Mums is a post-natal support organisation providing around 200 car The grant is for improvements to6 December 1942 at Puckapunyal and “signage, interpretation and visitorserved with 2/1 Australian Topographic seats a year to needy families. These seats range from reversible models for amenity.”Survey Company. He was discharged from newborns, to ones for toddlers, and also Works are expected to enhance thethe Army on 3 April 1946. booster models for older children. visitor experience and move towards theArthur was President in 1958. vision of a world-class iconic outdoor Lodge funds were raised during theBill Akell has asked The News for January 2020 fruit sales. Since 1999 tourism experience.assistance in the hope of obtaining the fruit sales have provided over The Goldfields Track crosses thephotographs of the above men. He can be $60,000 that has supported various municipalities of the City of Ballarat,contacted at email yank1200@bigpond. community groups and activities in and Hepburn and Mount Alexander Shires,com, or through the Buninyong RSL at PO around Ballarat. and the City of Bendigo.Box 6, BuninyongMakers & ShakersA new group – Makers & Shakers – isnow in action at the Town Hall. Theyinvite people to bring along sewing orother projects and a sense of humour,and then see where the group’screativity takes them.Sessions are on 17 June, 15 July, and 12August between 6.00pm and 8.30pm. Masonic Social Committee President Ken Jenkin, Trina Lewis Operations Manager atContact Sonya on 0417 168 456 or on Eureka Mums, committee Treasurer Doug Williams and committee member Ian Judd at the donation handover.sutcliffesonya@gmail.comEdition 482, June 2021 Buninyong & District Community News 15
L O C A L N E W S16 Buninyong & District Community News Edition 482, June 2021
L O C A L N E W S Camping free of Ups and charge downs Immersed as we are in this massive From time to time The News has seething medium we call the included several news items about atmosphere, it is understandable the EV charging point at Desoza that we detect and respond quickly Park. to sudden changes happening in it. There’s nothing that moves However, an eagle-eyed reader has faster than a group of people spotted some cheeky holiday makers caught outdoors in an unexpected who recently parked their camper van downpour! However, we’re not in the Crown Hotel car park, hooked up so good at picking up on subtler a long modified domestic power cord changes that gradually unfold over longer periods of time. Odd little to the charger overnight, and then were quirks can easily develop without us still there on the following morning. even noticing them. Hope their electric kettle worked! One example of this is Buninyong’s rainfall so far this year. In January we had Bus stop battle 104.4mm (235% of average), February 10.9mm (31%), March 70.5mm (173%) and April 34.1mm (63%). Such extreme Another point of view fluctuations are unusual and are easily overlooked while the progressive total On page 3 of the May edition of the a day use the stop, including those remains well above the average of Buninyong News there was a story not using their MYKI increases the 174.5mm. They certainly make it difficult on the contentious issue of the bus numbers substantially. The numbers to ponder what might be ahead. However, stop in central Warrenheip, Street. mid-afternoon on weekdays are around one thing that is sure is that this year’s While the article mentions the 40-to 50 per day. Autumn break arrived on 5 May, with a voting results of local MP Michaela hefty 44.0mm in 24 hours. Also, there are very few occasions Settle’s investigation, it doesn’t where there are no parking spaces free APRIL 2021 mention other factors. on the block between Eyre and Forest Date Rain Date Rain Michaela spent almost an hour Streets. Perhaps locals could observe 11 19.6 21 6.1 observing usage at the bus stop and this for themselves, and identity times took into account feedback of usage when there is no parking on the block, if 13 0.9 24 1.0 numbers collected by members of the wanting to pursue the issue further? 15-16 4.8 27 1.7 community. While touch-off records Total 34.1mm – Rosalie Mauseth suggest approximately five people Average 53.9mm ADVERTIsem*nT MICHAELA SETTLE MP gov ad is half page State Member of Parliament for Buninyong Delivering for Buninyong e: p: (03) 5331 7722 Authorised by M Settle MP, 15 Main Road, Ballarat. Funded from Parliamentary BudgetEdition 482, June 2021 Buninyong & District Community News 17
L OS P O C A R LT N E W SAustralian netball legend in RokewoodLocals learnthe Lisa wayPutting the Rokewood-Corindhap netballers through theirpaces at a recent training session was the first time thatformer Australian Netball Head Coach Lisa Alexander hadtaken on that role since February 2020 when she finishedas coach of the Australian Diamonds.Lisa Alexander’s netball CV is amazing. She was head coach ofthe Australian team between 2011 and 2020, winning the WorldCup in 2015 (picture) and a Commonwealth Games gold medal atGlasgow in 2014, the year the Diamonds were undefeated. Lisa’scoaching record with the Diamonds in Test matches was 83 winsand 19 losses.Lisa was awarded an AM in 2021 for her services to netball atthe elite level. In 2020 she caused a flurry in AFL circles whenshe applied for the position of head coach of the North MelbourneFootball Club.FriendsHead coach of the Rokewood-Corindhap netball team KerryLightfoot is a past team-mate and long-time friend of Lisa. In facttheir connection and friendship spans more than three decades. “It was a privilege and thrill to have the former national coach at our club and to be able to watch her at work on the township’s Caldow Courts,” said senior netball co-ordinator, Adele Nairn. “Each and every player’s effort over the night was something for the Club to be very proud of. Lisa was very impressed, and was very genuine when she thanked the Club for the opportunity to work with this group,” said Adele. Above: At the Rokewood training session. (L to R) Adele Nairn, Lisa Alexander, Kerry Lightfoot, Ruby Caldow. Left: Lisa Alexander with the World Cup winning Australian team in 2015. For all your local electrical requirements Phone Murray on 0417 518 930 REC 1158218 Buninyong & District Community News Edition 482, June 2021
L O C A L N E W S Community Bank • Buninyong & District Your town. Your bank. Everything you need We deliver the products and technology you’d expect from a big bank, plus the personal service you wouldn’t. As one of Australia’s biggest banks, our heartland remains firmly local. As does our focus on you and the quality banking products you need. Feel good about who you bank with. Try Bendigo. Find out more. Call 5341 8066 or search Bendigo Bank Buninyong. Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178, AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 237879 A1455027 OUT_1952974, 29/03/2021 Just Beautiful. The first step towards your beautiful new Kitchen begins with a little time to meet one of our qualified designers. They’ll help guide you through all the different displays in our beautiful Kitchen Showroom and show you the style that will complement your home. Make the time and you’ll quickly see our innovative and customised cabinetry will create a functional and beautifully stylish lifestyle space. Contact our team to begin your journey, and discover your beautiful new Kitchen. Ballarat Sales Office & Showroom 134 Fussell Street, Ballarat East T. 03 5332 7040 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday to Friday 9:00am – 12:00pm Saturday Closed SundayEdition 482, June 2021 Buninyong & District Community News 19
L OS P O C A R LT N E W SMeg (and mum)coach hot teamNetball Australia describes the game’s Meg started her netball journey at thecharm as “ the squeak of the court age of six. She grew up in Buninyong butbeneath our feet...the crisp cool air played her junior and senior netball with a star goal shooter and coach with theon a Saturday morning...and the the Brown Hill Club in the Ballarat mid- Brown Hill senior teams for many yearssmell of Deep Heat. This, both for week competition and with East-Point in and has coached at senior level with East-the everyday players and the world the Ballarat Football Netball League. Point.changers, is home.” Heading north to attend university in Award“I really like that,” said Buninyong netball the Bendigo region, she played with Buninyong made the finals in 2019 andcoach Meg Fritsch (Gilbert) in a recent Castlemaine before transferring to Golden Meg was awarded the Defender of the chat with The News. Square. It was at Golden Square that she Year award for the Central Highlands “But I think the slap of won multiple Best and Fairest awards, League. Unfortunately, Covid totally feet on a wet court represented Bendigo Netball Association in blanked out the 2020 season, but is more appropriate Country Championships and won her one Buninyong has had a blazing start in 2021 for the netball and only weekend premiership in 2015. with three great wins. Meg is sole coach that I have this season as Heather has stepped aside been Tough but still provides support on match days. Her former Golden Square captain playing”. described her as, “an uncompromising Local netball followers think that this tough defender who holds her defensive could be a big year for the Lady Bombers. end together and provides us with a lot of However, Meg is careful to stress that drive down the court and into attack.” although the team has recruited well and looks strong, you can’t get carried away. Meg came home in 2018 and joined the Hepburn has been the team to beat and Buninyong netball team as joint coach with are still the benchmark. her mother Heather Gilbert, who also has an impressive netball CV. Heather was It looks like the future of Buninyong netball is in good hands. Let’s hope when the (Above) Coaches Meg and Heather discuss October edition of The News is published, strategies with the team at the half-time break. there will be a report of a Bomber netball (Left) Wing Attack, Ella Squire was one of premiership. Buninyong’s best in the 75-12 win against Newlyn. – Ray Sullivan20 Buninyong & District Community News Edition 482, June 2021
Building sold... but bank stays - June 2021 (2024)


How much notice does a landlord have to give when selling the property in Massachusetts? ›

Providing written notice of intent to sell is an absolute must. A tenant-at-will agreement in Massachusetts can usually be terminated with a notice of 30 days, or one full rental period in advance, whichever is longer.

Does a new owner have to honor a lease in Florida? ›

Term Lease Agreement

When a buyer purchases a renter-occupied home, he must agree to take over the lease and honor the terms the tenant signed. A buyer can ask the renter to sign a new lease with him, but technically the tenant does not have to.

Can a landlord sell a house during a lease in Florida? ›

Generally, the landlord owns the home and can sell the property any time they want. From the tenant's perspective, they have the right to live in the property, even if there is a new owner, for as long as the lease is still in effect.

Can a landlord sell the house you're renting on Reddit? ›

If you sell a property under lease, the new owner must honor the lease. All deposits and such should be in a separate escrow account.

What happens to a lease when a property is sold in Massachusetts? ›

If the new owner says the lease no longer matters because they didn't sign it, they're wrong. Legally, they are binded to that signed document until the term ends. In essence, the tenants and the legally documented commitments the previous landlord made to them, come with the property.

How much notice does a landlord have to give a tenant to move out in Massachusetts? ›

Your landlord must first send you a "Notice to Quit" your tenancy. If the landlord is terminating your tenancy for non-payment of rent, s/he must send you a "14-Day Notice to Quit" (M.G.L.c.186, §§ 11 and 12). Your lease will specify the notice requirement for other terminations; it is typically seven days.

How much notice does a landlord have to give a tenant to move out in Florida? ›

The landlord only has to send proper notice to the tenant, allowing for the number of days provided by Fla. Stat. § 83.57. For instance, month-to-month tenants must be given 15 days to vacate.

Can you remove someone from a lease without their consent Florida? ›

Yes. Under Florida state law, a landlord may remove someone from a lease without their consent for any reason or no reason at all. However, the landlord must provide notice depending on the period of the lease (e.g., weekly, monthly, quarterly). Eviction requires a court order.

Can a landlord change the lease after it is signed Florida? ›

Who Can Amend the Lease? When a landlord and tenant sign a lease agreement it forms a legally binding contract. The lease cannot be altered except through another written agreement signed by both parties unless the original lease specifically gives a party the power to change something on their own.

What can a landlord not do in Florida? ›

Landlords in Florida cannot include provisions that waive the tenant's basic rights, such as the right to a court hearing, or provisions that allow the landlord to retain the security deposit without justification. Illegal clauses that impose excessive late fees beyond what is considered reasonable are also forbidden.

Can I break my lease because I bought a house in Florida? ›

Look For A Home Buying Clause

Some leases, however, might have something called a home buying clause in the agreement. If your lease includes a home buying clause, it means you can terminate your lease early if you've purchased a new home as long as you give your landlord or property manager proper notice.

How can a landlord terminate a lease in Florida? ›

If the landlord has cause to end a lease early, he may be required to give a seven-day notice to cure, seven-day notice that the lease is ending, or a three-day notice to pay.

How much money does a landlord have to give a tenant to move out in California? ›

But, your landlord can still require you to move out for one of the “no-fault” reasons listed in the law. If your landlord evicts you for one of these reasons, they must first give you one month's rent or waive one month's rent to help you move out.

How much notice does a landlord have to give when selling the property in California? ›

If you're considering selling rental property in California, you need to know about the 120-day notice to sell. This notice is a key legal requirement in this process. It serves as a formal declaration of your intent to sell the property. It is mandatory under California law.

How long do tenants have to move out after a house is sold in California? ›

Additionally, if the new owner intends to occupy the property as their primary residence, they will have to honor the existing lease until it expires or provide the tenant with 60 days' written notice to vacate. It's important to note that the 120-day notice requirement only applies to month-to-month tenancies.

How long after signing a lease can you back out in Massachusetts? ›

The amount of notice will depend on the length of the lease term: Monthly Leases - Either 30 days or a number of days equal to the interval between each rent payment. Yearly Leases - Three months of notice, as long as the payment intervals are three months or longer.

What is the right to dishonor the lease? ›

Right to Dishonor the Lease

This is because a tenant can break the lease agreement if they feel their rights have been neglected when you are selling the property. If you neglect the lease agreement, your tenant can break it to allow them to stay in your property as long as they wish.

How to end a tenancy? ›

You can end your tenancy at any time by giving your landlord notice if you have a periodic tenancy. You'll have to pay your rent to the end of your notice period. You'll have a periodic tenancy if: you've never had a fixed term and you have a rolling tenancy - for example, it runs from month to month or week to week.

Can my landlord sell the house I'm renting in Maryland? ›

Sale by Landlord

If the landlord sells the property and the purchaser has actual or constructive notice that it is leased to a tenant, the purchaser must honor the provisions of the lease. Where the tenant is in possession of the premises, the purchaser is considered by law to have notice of the lease.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.